
First known as Ruysomvynt
Formly known as XPlaysXinXTrafficX
Last known as The Pretty Lady Ophelia
Now known as Wiretap

User Image <---Picture done by the amazing Firefly Duchess of Wiretap's Easter Avatar!

Alright to start off I'm going to be as clear as I can, I am a grammar whore. I am an English major and thus cannot stand chatspeak, lack of capitalization, lack of punctuation, and all the other rather horrendous atrocities the majority of people on the internet have come to commit against the wonderful world of grammar.
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Subsequently if you plan to PM me be sure you do not do any of these to the best of your ability, please. I beg you.
This does not mean, of course, that I go around the message boards and rag on people. If you're going to use chatspeak in an area where everyone can see and respond, that's fine by me. If I don't like it I'll exercise my freedom and just leave.
This also does not mean that I am perfect. I don't treat my random messages and things on Gaia as an essay, poem, or short fiction story, so I do not proof read them. Mistakes happen, I understand this and I pray you do as well.
Also being a lover of the English language and the many was it can be used I offer this warning: Not everything I say can be taken at face value and obvious meanings. Thus if something offends you or you don't understand something and you then just assume you know exactly what I mean I'm not held responsible for your emotional response. I also reserve the right to respond in any way I see fit. Thank you.

On a similar note, I am a roleplaying whore.
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This doesn't mean I have a list of characters and pictures in my journal or whatever. I prefer to come up with the setting, plot, and genre first. From there I like to either pick or create a character to work with it. If you like roleplaying that isn't all about romance and cybering, but about in-depth plots, character development, and overall worship of creativity please do PM me! I have a whole host of plots and other ideas. I will love you forever!

I love to have my ego stroked...a lot.
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Thus if you scroll down this page you'll see my signature and the lovely lists I've got there! PM me about them! I command it of your soul!!!

...Ehem. Moving on. In terms of friends if I don't know you, if we haven't talked at all really, then don't bother sending me a friend request.
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I'm perfectly happy not having a giant friend list if I don't know the people in it. However if you are interested in becoming one of my friends please feel free to PM me and we can get to know one another. Also if your on my friend list for an extended period of time and we haven't talked either in threads, PMs, or comments, in months there is a very good chance I'm going to delete you. The moral of the story, stay in touch.

As previously stated in my rant about Grammar I am an English Major, which expands to me being a college student.
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I am over the legal drinking age in America if that tells you anything. I've received my bachelors degree in English with a minor in Sociology. I'm currently in my first semester of Graduate school. I am taking two classes of my own and also teaching two sections of College Composition. I think I want to be a professor when I grow up! I'm also a poet. I love to show off my work! If you'd like to see any of my poems please PM me about them! Feed the starving poet!
This college thing means that I will not always be able to get on. Classes, homework, friends, and extracurricular activities do take up quite a bit of my life.

I'm a total nerd. Pure and simple. I love Star Wars, Stargate, Roleplaying (on the internet and games like Dungeons and Dragons!), Shakespeare, Transformers (the original!), and so on. I'm afraid if I keep listing them I'll never stop!

Relationship wise I'm not technically in a relationship (in real life, on gaia it sometimes varies) and I'm not interested in having one. Don't feel sorry for me and give me some speech about how everyone can find love or some such s**t.
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I'm too busy to be able to give a significant other (this phrasing should indicate that I do not prefer men or women either way) the proper attention they would deserve. I do not claim to be bisexual, pansexual, or any other term people are coming to use. I'm me. Period, end of story.

Here's some other random Icons that either describe me or make me smile. ^^ You decide which is which:

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And yes, all of these icons are from the same anime. I'm happy to admit that I am a fangirl...of many kinds. Hate me, love me, like, me ignore me, -insert verb- me, I don't care!

Any questions?

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Feed the Knuffle!
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Feed the Knuffle!

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Feed the Knuffles!
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Donators: Giteone81 heart
heart kovie_army
heart TrxyPixie
heart Ryanna Silverthorn
heart Trusis


Viewing 12 of 28 friends




Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Lit Pink

Report | 04/09/2016 4:22 pm

Lit Pink

Hello i just bought most of ur atuff cx
Lunar Satyr

Report | 02/27/2012 7:50 pm

Lunar Satyr

Love your Avi! heart

Report | 04/09/2011 7:30 am


Your avatar is cute! Sorry for the random comment ;3

Report | 03/30/2011 10:44 am


So far everything is good. He's not going to see any combat because he's one of the company clerks. He basically takes care of all the paperwork. PENCIL PUSHER. lol I actually got a letter from him today! He seems to have mixed feelings about being there. I almost started crying when I read it. I really just want these next six months to hurry by so he can be home again.
I'm sorry to hear your grandma passed away. Wish I could give you a hug. If you wanna talk, just shoot me a message anytime.

Hopefully you'll be able to catch up rather quickly.

Report | 03/29/2011 2:34 pm


Ah it's okay, I haven't been on gaia much either lately. Danny deployed to Afghanistan about a month ago, so I'm home with the baby by myself. He gets really weird about the computer. He thinks he HAS to be in my lap and touching it every time I'm online. lol
Just thought I'd tell you that I miss talking with you. How is school?

Report | 03/28/2011 10:43 pm


I miss you! How are you doing my dear?

Report | 12/24/2010 5:53 pm


Your avatar kicks butt! smile

Report | 11/01/2010 2:57 pm


Oh it's one of my favorites too. We dressed Sammy up as a skeleton. He was so cute. We took him to the church we go to in florida.
I didn't get to dress up this year. Not that I didn't want to.

Report | 10/23/2010 8:55 am


Oh my goodness. I totally forgot the comment back to you. It's been crazy around here. We're going to visit everyone next month in florida, so I've been running around trying to pack and get my house clean.
Anyway, I'm not completely finished planning for Sammy's party. All I really know is the location, date and time. I haven't ordered any party invitations, or the cake. I've got a looooot to do next month.
And in case I don't get to tell you before next Sunday, Happy Halloween!!!

Report | 10/08/2010 11:52 am


Yay! I'm glad you're doing well and having fun.

Sammy's going to be one in a month!!! I'm so excited to plan his party.


Fangirls: 30
Fanboys: 12
Lovers: 25
Hugs: 37
Kisses: 17
Stalkers: 15
My lovely Valentine: Trxypixie heart