please visit my GALLERY :3 ---?
http://www.gaiaonline.com/arena/gallery/?uid=16344691and and also my deviantArt account : >>
yay!! thankiiiiies =3=
surprised kay since -windows_vista_o8- is pretty long for a name, i suggest you can just call me 'hanna' (yep.hanna's the name)
Age:16 but mehh, they say i look like a 12yearold...>.> (those effing bastards)
-not sociable.hates crowd...
-laziest slob
-i am soooo not sarcastic
-if you see me absentmindedly smiling...that means i don't know what's goin on
-i N E V E R give up w/o trying
-i don't beat myself uP
- i hate selfish people because they're so...selfish
and i very much ruvv 4-leafed clover :3 and and strawberries!! X3

...please take good care of me? :p
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