


Yus, this be meh for now on original account, since I was banned from my last account for a sad attempt of "setting advice" in the Life Issues forums. But it's ok! I'm completely over that, everything is all good. =3

About Meh

Name: Cassandra Delton
Nicknames: Cassie or Cass. Whatever you prefer
Age: 15 (Dun dun duuuuun)
Status: Single?
Likes: Singing, socializing, doing crazy things for the hell of it, boys, listening to music, playing her saxophone & piano, müses, Mocha Frappucino w/ whip cream&&x-tra caramel inside to mix with, chocolate& just…being random/happy x]
Dislikes: Jerks, Assholes, Players, Purty people ( >>;; ), bitches who think their god, spinach, people who aren‘t happy (which, I call them “Slip“), stereotype s**t heads, put-downs, pathetic arguments, and other things I can‘t really think of right now.
Personality: Let‘s just say I‘m an on & off sort of girl. Meaning that I could be immature, but the next thing you’ll know I’m mature. I can be mellow, then hyper. You know that sort of thing. I suppose you could call me “bi-polar“ but seriously, I‘m not.

Oh snap! I have pics! =o

User Image

User Image

User Image

Here is # 1 [left image]. Yus, it came out like this...this purteh picture. Yuh.
The second pic
, yus, I had to put this one up. At first, when I took it, I thought I looked weird, you know, plain looking, so I edited it with open canvas. And wh00, didn't turn out as I would like it but, it's cool. All is well. -nods- Don't I look angry. Yus, I'm giving you that 'look.'
And last pic, taken from my friend, Rylan. I was so surprised once he showed it to me. I was merely jumping on the walls. xD It came out so nice. I haven't decided to do some stuffies (Open Canvas Edit) on it. It's too pretty, I could just cry. TxT Oh Rylan

Well, that's it for now!

