Hello every one,I am Voodoo Maffia,
Once again I feel like trying to play more Gaia. It never seemes to work but Im trying to find time for fun and relaxation. I just recently graduated high school, and I feel as stupid as ever. But I am going into the Marines so YAY me. I put my two weeks notice in at work and Aug. 11th will be my last day at work. Im going to take a month off to travle around and visit friends and family befor I get shipped to boot camp... witch sounds like a drag but gotta get through it befor I can start my life so wish me luck!
I like to RP actually thats the whole point as to why Im even on this site other than the fact that it rocks. So if you wanna RP then please feel free to PM me! I dont cyber though so dont ask it will be a waste of both our time.
Thanks for the time of day!
-Voodoo Maffia
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