
my real name is brittany and my game name is visp or skyevisp. My hobbies are video games, music, sleep,anime,manga and partying.

My fav games are: Any final fantasy, Suikoden, Dynasty Warriors. Lunar 1&2. Xenogears. Star Ocean. Shadow of the Colossus. Silent Hill 2.Guitar Hero. Valkyrie Profile.

My Fav Music are: Misfits, Dead Kennedys, Thrice, Guttermouth, Dwarves, Demon hunter, black dhalia murders, 80's, Taking back sunday.

My Fav. Anime are: Sailormoon, beserk, elfien lied, evangelion, FMA, tenchi, outlaw star, cowboy bebop.

My fav Manga is: Hana-Kimi, Life, Sailormoon, Kami Kaze, Snow drop, peach girl, angel sanctuary, sensual phrase.

My fav partying is: Miller high life::Jager(lots of it)::mt. gay vanilla rum


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The Diary of a Scally Wag

Tis a Magicial Adventure arghhh!

tales of day to day things



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skyl 8

Report | 05/15/2009 11:33 pm

skyl 8

thank you... for buying my tiny terror!!
take care=)