
Hey everyone!

My name is Vamp and I have not been on Gaia for FIVE YEARS.

Nickname: Vamp
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Personal Quote: There's no such thing as doing nothing; we're always doing something.
Quote: "But be not afraid of greatness; some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them." -William Shakespeare

Fav. Movie: Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure, UHF, All of Star Trek, Kung Fu Panda, and The Emperor's new Groove
Fav. Televisions Shows: Chuck, Drew Carey's Improvaganza, deadliest Catch, Dirty jobs, Adventure time, The Regular Show, The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy, and Chowder
Fav. Music: Christian Rock and Classic Rock
Fav. Video Game: Just Dance 2, Lego Pirates of the Caribbean, Cabella's Big Game Hunter 2005, and SSX 3 Snowboarding
Fav. Books: The Book of the Dun Cow and Watership Down
Fav. Colors: Yellow and violet
Fav. Animal: Narwhals
Fav. Food: BLTs, Hawaiian Pizza, and Ramen
Fav. Drink: Pepsi and Mt. Dew

Phobias: Mannequins (Pediophobia), Spiders (Arachnophobia), and Escalators (Escalaphobia)


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My RaNdOm LiFe



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 01/02/2013 12:11 pm


lol im on gaia again???

Report | 05/30/2011 1:00 pm


Oh interesting.

Report | 05/17/2011 4:53 am


Sounds like loads of fun. Hm. I dont think Ive ever gotten to use my creativity this year in English. :/
Ive been trying to do something like that for a loooong time. Ive been trying to write a Doctor Who fanfic (which I will turn it straight into BBC) and write another story hand. Gotta keep myself busy. Hopefully the summer will give me some time to work on them.

Report | 05/15/2011 1:23 pm


Omgosh. Its been years since youve been on!

Report | 12/17/2008 3:36 pm


Hey Vamp, it's Saff. I hope you have a good birthday and the best Christmas this year. I hope you can come back on soon. I miss you lots. Well, have fun.

Zarc Wolf

Report | 11/15/2008 9:51 am

Zarc Wolf

Hey Vamp =D Hope you're doing well, and awesome profile ^_^ I love that movie X3

Report | 10/01/2008 4:38 pm


Just to tell ya, I have already started on my 1st picture. I'm going to try to not to have them so scary looking, just in case. The one I'm working on is going to be worked at school mostly, but if I can't work on it there then I'll do it at home. I haven't made plans on m 2nd pic yet so yeah...

Report | 09/28/2008 9:20 am


Hm. Drawing could give me something to do. For some reason, my computer starts to suck when I get on tektek, so I'm outta that.

Report | 09/27/2008 9:47 am


She has the ears but not a tail.

Report | 09/27/2008 9:31 am


Hm. What are thw contests about? I'm typing with one hand right now cuz my other hand has power all over it. Hehe, I wouldn't be paying attention to Gaia if you werent' on! I'm watching Gravitation to shut up Kennedi. I decided to do it this weekend because it's pratically all I can do.