v i t r i o l i c xx

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xvampericxchickx Report | 11/28/2010 4:44 pm
cool avi
DaisyHOP Report | 06/17/2010 10:54 pm
i'll say. damn. my report card would either look something like: C, C, D, D, etc. or NA. 'nuff said. xDD;;
awesome. yeah, we sure should. c: maybe like chill at pac fair or something. nowadays, i'm preferring it to robina. they have a kitten d'amour at pac fair. <33
i didn't know you'd finished it! rad. that's around about where i'm up to, now that i've restarted the game.
... all in all, it is really not that eventful. when i get a job it will be. <3 sisco's a program that's trying to get jake and me into some sort of long distance schooling program. if not, they want jacob to go to tafe ( pff. not gonna happen ) and me to work part-time while continuing my studies with a curriculum they'd set out.
also thinking of taking a crack at french. :T but, i dunno. spanish > french.
yeah. if there another family equal to mine that needs counseling, or perhaps more so, it'd be yours. xDD i'm sure it'll all work out though.
if i get a job, well, i'll just be happier i guess. i'll be going out everyday and earning money for a car/travelling/friends/birthdays/family etc! > u<
loll. you gamer nerd, you. speaking of which, call of duty: modern warfare 2 is actually a pretty decent army game. c: but stupid jake's getting obsessed over it. >:T
i need to smack that boi. and soon.
DaisyHOP Report | 06/17/2010 10:19 pm
sounds like you've been a busy bee. i'm sure you ace'd all those tests. c:
i didn't know you guys had holidays coming up! well, if they're giving you assignments to complete over the break, it shouldn't be called a holiday. :T
aww. take a lot of vitamin c and sleep a lot and you'll be better in no time!
ooohh. star wars lego? i remember playing that back in grade 6. good times. i slaughtered that game. xD have you finished kingdom hearts one yet?
... umm.. counseling ( WTF. is that really how you spell it? whatever, stupid firefox ), library, sisco ( not chrisco. > w>; ), pac fair, partying with the family of geckos in our caravan - but they're being overwhelmed by the amount of ants creeping in 'cause of the weather, reading, a lot of writing, studying up on spanish amongst other useless subjects, hanging with people over the weekends, spending time with my counselor who's dead-set on getting me a job-- and that's about it.
all in all, not a very eventful life do i lead. = w=;;
DaisyHOP Report | 06/17/2010 9:56 pm
yeah. well, i thought about it for a bit and then i didn't know anymore. = n=;
it sure has! whatcha' been up to lately? c:
DaisyHOP Report | 06/17/2010 9:38 pm
... i'm 35% sure this is feathers.
> ->;
DaisyHOP Report | 06/12/2010 7:48 am
*n *
NostalgicAtBest Report | 04/06/2010 8:42 pm
Thanks for buying. Now i gotz to get me a white tattoo.
Warp_Warpinton Report | 06/20/2009 1:37 am
Lothiriel xD Report | 06/17/2009 1:48 am
Lothiriel xD
thanks for buying =)
have a nice day =^-^=


Formerly The P U P P E T Show.

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