heyyyyyyyy! *HUGGLES*
Ok so about me eh? >.< CANADA ROCKS! haha, so I am 16 years old and I obiously reside in the vast open spaces of Canada.
I should also mention that I am bi, girls and guys are both equals to me
biggrin I have blonde hair and blue eyes with glasses O.O I love dogs and photography. Music is my other mother! some of my bands that I am in love with at the moment are Owl City, Muse, Paramore, RJA, and anything that has a nice lyrics with sensible tune ^^
I have been on gaia since 2008 and have recently been back on but I am not obsessed like I used to so If I am not on for 3 days HANG ON I WILL BE BACK!! Thats all for now byeeee! xoxox
Uzi's Comment Blog/ Stress Remover<_>
Ello my name is Uzi here are some of my interests
-Doggies/ they are my life
-Books/ they are also my life
Thats about it oh wait one more
-Alterntive music rocks specially MUSE!~luv u guys~
yes i know i must have a boring life but yeah thats th
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