Welcome to my page, currently I am on Hiatus. Please add me on deviantart or tumblr if you feel the need to.
Afternoon, the name is Yuumei or Pikyuu c:
I have an odd obsession with umbrellas , homestuck, BBC `s Sherlock, and other things .
I'm well rounded when it comes to anime, so I'm not quite a weeaboo ... yet.
My waifu for laifu is Strawbree :'DD
I've quite Gaia a long time ago, and will sometimes come here to do commissions c:
You can always find me on deviantart , though, so if you need to contact me about commissions or requests, go there please.
I no longer role - play here, I no longer sell art here unless I happen to open a temporary art shop.
Have a nice day, I hope you enjoyed reading, though you really didn't need to.
Da da da dummmm~! 8'D
There's nothing worth reading in here...or is there~?
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