
Nothing really much to say here.. well.. maybe a few things!

Name: nborn [M]istake`.

D.O.B: 06.22.92.

My Qoute: It's not every day that some hot chick chops your head off.. Now is it?

Likes: Magick, Ninjas, Martial Arts, Tai Chi, Dragons, Animals, Big cats, Horses, Anime, Manga, Music.

Dislikes: Any anime that has been destroyed by American dubbs [I want my anime to be in JAPANESE... Unless they dubbed it correctly.], Rabid fans of ANY anime series, Rabid Fans in general, Boy bands, Pop, Country, Hip-hop, Rap, R&B.... D: The person who killed John Lennon.

Music: Godsmack, Buckcherry, John Lennon, Audioslave, The sisters of mercy, Korn, Ra, Nevermore, Nine inch Nails, Johnny Cash.

Hobbies: Role-playing, Writing, Acting, Biking, Reading.

Anime i like: Basilisk, Hellsing, Revolutionary girl Utena, Sailor Moon, Wolfs Rain, Fruits Basket, Vampire hunter D: Bloodlust.

Manga I like: Model, Gravitation, Fruits Basket, Sailor Moon.


Viewing 4 of 4 comments.


Report | 10/18/2008 3:48 am


copy/paste this to 10 ppl then press f5 and f9 at the same time you will get 100,000 gold it really rocks trust me
fallout 3

Report | 02/27/2007 4:22 am

fallout 3

I am, eh?
fallout 3

Report | 02/26/2007 12:49 pm

fallout 3

` Sh i z z

Report | 02/26/2007 12:32 am

` Sh i z z



I don't care about WHAT you say! I still think John Lennon is awesome!