
User Image
Total Value: 3,183,715 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Hermes' Moon
Benny the Puppy
Angelic Pendant
Buttoned Down Fauna Boots
Year of the Rabbit
Wine Coal Gathered Tavern Wench's Skirt
Blade's Leggings
Elegant Black Satin Corset


Viewing 12 of 14 friends


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 11/16/2010 8:59 pm


Raine Destruction

Report | 10/26/2010 9:19 pm

Raine Destruction

Raine Destruction

Report | 05/25/2009 1:20 pm

Raine Destruction

I misses ye too!
Assembled_Kitten Force

Report | 03/18/2009 11:45 pm

Assembled_Kitten Force

Sweet! I should call you tomorrow, and if I don't, my number is 450-1534.

Report | 03/18/2009 7:54 pm


i lovers you too!
Assembled_Kitten Force

Report | 03/17/2009 5:25 pm

Assembled_Kitten Force

Thinking about making a baby blanket (probably bamboo silk or bamboo cotton, whatever is softer and whatever has the lesser chemicals) and one of those hooded baby wrap robes (that would be so easy! hee hee, maybe I should make both.)
LARP is Live-Action-Role-Play. If we did it in DnD, we'd be dressed up in fantasy clothes, talking in accents, giving specific attitudes, etc. In the MM, half the people had a really good nasally chicago accent.
that's my facebook picture's page. The flapper outfit is the last 5 on that page and the next two on the other.
Ok. Oh! Everyone except zac and I are going down to vegas this weekend starting on thursday, and I don't think we have anything planned except for when zac works (which is I think thursday only). We could do something this weekend?
Assembled_Kitten Force

Report | 03/16/2009 8:56 pm

Assembled_Kitten Force

Oh ok. Sounds awsome then! I was laid off back in December, company cut backs. So I'm really looking for a job so I can pay for clark next year (transfering so I can get more credits faster) and because we'd like to get out soon. Hey! What if when I get a job and you two are ready, we share an apartment or something? That'd be nice ^.^
And whoa, grandma rocks! I should start making something for the little baby >.>
His mom does a lot of things. Some of the main stuff is she likes to yell across the house and gets mad when you don't respond because you either don't hear her (or like me, if she doesn't want to make the effort in waddling over to where I am, then I really don't care). Next, when she and other people get into arguements, the moment the other person starts to say something she interupts and starts talking really loud to the point of yelling. So it's like why should I listen to you when you don't listen to me and why should I talk to you when you don't talk to me like an equal. Next, she likes to say the same thing over and over and over, she'll do something right after someone told her not to do it or ust does crap whenever she feels like it (IE go into zac's room at 6am flicking the lights on "when do you have to be at school?" And she knows we wake up at 7. blah blah. I could go on, but ya you get the point XD.
The murder mystery was fun, just I can't LARP for the life of me, lol. I did dress like a flapper and have pictures on facebook if you want.
Ya, she never bought it. Her mom is squeezing all the money she can out of her, and the girl is very weak willed.
That's great! I think a little fast food once and a while is ok. If I was living with you I would totaly get you in prego-shape! Hee hee
So why did you want me to call if you wouldn't answer anyways? *sigh* You and your Butt-fairies, hee hee
Assembled_Kitten Force

Report | 03/15/2009 7:20 pm

Assembled_Kitten Force

I totally understand! And I'm sorry about not calling, it's not that I didn't want to, just I kept forgetting T.T I'm sorry about the problems and yay! Where are you moving to? I'm happy you're having luck with the baby. A little chelsea baby running around hee hee. (Make sure you save up for when the baby comes, it gets expensive XD)
Life is good. Though I'm still looking for a job vigorously, it's so freakin hard to get one. We had a murder mystery dinner last night and it was set in the 20's, so I got to dress up like a flapper, that was cool. Also getting a little anoyed with Zac's mom. Oh, my friend came across some money (can't really talk about it, but it is all legal and what not) and she was going to get one of the forclosed houses in Camas, it was only going to cost $15,000 instead of $300,000 and rent for zac and I was going to be $70, but she never really did anything. Sorta pissed me off.
But, other than that, I've been pretty good.
You're eating right and everything for the baby, yes?
Raine Destruction

Report | 01/20/2009 12:16 pm

Raine Destruction

Hello moto! wink
Assembled_Kitten Force

Report | 01/09/2009 8:36 am

Assembled_Kitten Force

Hey, what's up?