
Hi~ You can call me by TFAngel or just Angel. I'm usually lurking on the MyGaia page commenting on profiles based on the statuses I see. sweatdrop I used to do fantasy RPs. I draw on and off. I sew chibi-plushie dolls, I'll be posting pics on my dA as I finish so check them out. whee I'm hoping to do Gaia-avis someday soon! Otherwise, it's school, work, and the TCG project I'm working on.

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TCG: I'm currently working on making a GaiaOnline-themed trading card game (see link here) and I would love help or even people just dropping by to share the enthusiasm with me. whee I'm hoping it will be up soon, but I'm still planning lots of activities for people to enjoy. So there's still so much to do~

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ART: I LOVE avi art! I don't have a lot of time to spare raising gold so I usually can't afford any nice art. ='< Boo hoo. Actually, I got obsessed with PS farming that I have a bit right now! (And I sold stuff that I finally convinced myself that I'll never use.) So if you're decently good, please PM me with samples! I'd like to order some or even just do an art trade! I'm definitely looking for some GaiaOnline fanart to use for decorating the TCG and posts.

Currently I'm doing tablet art, so PM me if you're intrigued. >] If you want a sample, you can see my comic battle. Don't be confused, it's the second set, the one in color. Or I guess you can look at my Christmas one.