
My mom always told me that I have lived half my life in another world. She says she used to have such a hard time getting me to come back to this world. I have always tried take people with me, it dosn't always work. When I was older I started using my art and stories to share with reality my world.

User Image I am a bit obessed with Video Games, Anime, Art, Music... but most of all books. xD I love me some books. I always want to put down my favorites but then I leave one out and feel bad. sad But someday I will come out with that master Copy.

User Image I am the Queen of Quotes... and have started the infamous chain of the QUOTE BOOK!!!! :evil laugh:

User Image Disney Sequals are kinda my guilty pleasure. I know some of them are horribly cheesy, but for some reason, I really like Cheese. XD

I suppose now would be a good time to point out I am actually three. :3

User Image I love INTERNET PARTIES!!! :Squee:

User Image And apperantly I have a fan club... *Scratches head and laughs*

User Image I make and watch THOUSANDS of AMVs to de-stress, and so my Profile Video will change often. I will always credit who the video is by if it is not me, but Often enough, the video will be mine. (Funny that I've said that, and the past four videos havn't been. 0.o Whatever.)

The current Video is by the lovely Jini who also has some wonderful fanfiction. XD It's "So in Love with Two". You really can't blame her.

User Image Ahem, Random- (BUT More coming Soon!) User Image

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User Image
Naminé is Artistic love.
By: Ralea

User Image

User Image

User Image

Which Final Fantasy VIII Character Are You?
Take your own Final Fantasy personality quiz here!

Claim-age note

Yo. Eliza... My boys can be found in my journal. There is just too much wonderous men to fit on my little profile. xD


Doylie Rambles of the Random Kind

Read at own rist

Things I don't want to remain on my profiles of Rambles I feel passionate about.



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 02/10/2008 3:39 pm


you know what movie I love? I'll tell you. toki wo kakeru shoujo. or 'the girl who leapt through time'

either way it was b-e-a-utiful

Report | 11/12/2007 7:48 pm


apparently not.

Report | 09/16/2007 3:43 pm


molly? are you alive?

Report | 07/29/2007 2:56 pm


i miiiiiiiiissssssssssss you!@

Report | 07/01/2007 6:40 pm


gah molly my legs hurt too but for another reason! i was floating around the cove today at my aunts house in deltaville (off the chesapeake bay) and i got sunburn on the BACK of my legs! so it hurts to sit :gah:

Report | 06/19/2007 8:54 pm


pssst molly... I'm in black and white. and my leg hurts... and my muscles have atrophied because I've been sitting at my desk, not daring to stir, and trying furiously to finish my summer ap assignments.

ps. I just wanted to use the word atrophy

Report | 06/10/2007 2:04 pm


mmmmmmm, your vid is full of smexy disney men, it reeeeaaaalllly makes me want to see hunch back of notre dame, oh i wish i owned that movie!

Report | 06/06/2007 11:37 am


wow, everyone is getting super cool new profiles!

but anyways i came here to complain about your recent absence on gaia, im sure mimi has felt it as strong as i have, we are quite depressed! *sniffle of emo*

Report | 05/29/2007 3:09 pm



Report | 05/28/2007 4:57 pm


o course! you bought them you should be able to wear them for however long you fancy!! hahah