
About me, huh? Well, to be quite blunt, Imma gonna need much more space than the little box they give me for that so I'll just give ya the basics and rundown.

I'm Josh. Joshua Conrad Sinclair, also known as The Josh. Currently I'm the head of the Burning Rose, one of four Faction Secitons of the Pantheon known as the Serpent Guard. (And to all you StarGate Fans, THEY got that from US. XD We've been around since long before them! SO HA!)

Uhm. I'm far older than I look, my favourite colour is orange, and I like well, pretty much anything. My cos Railen gets on my case about my hair and the fact that I like painting my nails. Its a nice and calming thing to do for someone like me. Oh yeah, my parents think I have ADHD, or some such thing like that and its probably true, but its more that I just have so many other things on my mind that it SEEMS like I don't concentrate. But I like books and learning new things. Ooh and playing drums, guitar, sythesizer/keyboard, not so much a fan of piano, but I still play sometimes. Prefer drums over everything. I have five PHD's and I'm working on my sixth HA TAKE THAT UNCLE RANDEL!!



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Viewing 10 of 14 comments.


Report | 12/25/2007 12:35 am


Merry christmas

Report | 10/19/2007 9:32 pm


I'm sorry things are so hard on you right now, all we can do is pray that this war is over sooner then later. It's frustrating because this war is for little more then a contest of who's got the bigger army. They have no real reason other then their bored and the other gods have to try and step in and stop them before they destroy everything we know and love.

I'm starting to think its futile for the chosen and Avatars to be apart of this, no offense but the best solution is to get all the gods in one secluded solar system and let them fight for them selfs and we'd see which gods were truly better then the rest. The ones actually willing to get their hand dirty willing to do what they ask others to do ... Sorry its just be nice to actually sit down and relax for five I know your pain but I deal with it in my own fashion.

I just want to protect those unable to protect them selfs and unaware of what really is happening all around them right now. I think I need a good 100 years to my self after this war heavens I might not want to come back to this job if I survive this war. Theres some things you can never forget and things even as Athena's avatar I wish I could take back, but no use worrying about that now is there *sigh* It will all be over with one way our another and I hope I'll be able to sit down and spend some time with you and Rena

Report | 10/04/2007 12:06 am


It's not that I don't want to help its that I wish it were not necessary, before I was a chosen magic was weak in my world and gods though worshiped weren't entrusted well i wouldn't say it that way but you know what I mean they weren't around.

But yes I am married and have been for many fortunate years, and don't sell your self short those who people call down are the ones with the strength that others envy. and Yes you have meet him on several occasions. He is at Athena's celebrations when he can be, and always when I dance *laughs*. I'm more then blessed to have him as my husband and father of children. I have a few now are family is strong but not with out it's own weaknesses, we have not always been fortunate to go on scathed.. but yes.. my lovely husband has been away for some time now and I down right miss him.. even at my age. I've always been that way cant lie no matter the circumstances I could never bring my self to and I've never liked being alone our away from the ones I care about. Though I learned to deal with it I've never like it.. I can't imagine any one really liking it though.

How are things recently with your self? I worry about you often the pressure you put your self under is greater then that others put on you.

Have things been faring well on the field for you ?

Report | 09/30/2007 2:04 am


I was a middle child, I idealized my big brother and was hated by my younger sister. My brother was a soldier and when I was young I would watch him train and then take practice on the neighbor hood boys. One day when I was only 5 our 6 I jumped from the rafters in the barn on top of two of the boys making them both cry I was grounded for a month and we've been friends ever since some how. It seems as if we have had similar situations in which we've both inbrased the stylizing and actions of the opposite sex.

Much has changed for me though since those days, I no longer wear boyish clothes, our act like on of them. Some one told me a long time ago to be my self, when I did I found that there was a lout more to me then I knew there was our could be. I try and pass that on when ever I get the chance my boyish ways won me the heart of my love an my girlish ways keep him with me. So many found memory's. Cain is a big fan of yours, thats my husband, he's a follower of Zeus.

One of the main reasons you probably haven't heard of me or other wise is Athena doesn't like the way Derlock dose things they are well almost a complete opposite not to mention Aries kinda hangs out with you guys to. She's never been against you she just kept to her self, and now she had to make her choice and an easy one that was. She may not like Derlock's way's but he fights for the same things she dose he just dose it with a scowl. From what I hear you may see me on the battle field sooner then later much to my dislike only because it means things are getting extremely bad. I hope we can end this war sooner then later, I've lost a lout of good men and woman and many friends all around.

Report | 09/28/2007 10:51 am


You could say it that way, but I only act for my goddess she trust me to do her will as she would have done. I do get breaks yes, though I've been at this a lout longer and even gods get to rest when theres opportunity. Though I've noticed since you're pantheon has come to be there hasn't been rest for a long while, not saying its the fault of the pantheon just meaning there are many who don't wish your family to stay in power.

Renta is my wolf and an old sower foot he is at times, I mean that in the most loving way he's a very wise and has aged well I just love to teas him. With a wolf in your head your seldom alone which I don't mind all the time. He has been a good friend for as long as we have been bonded, I probably wouldn't be here if it weren't for him, much to some people's dislike.

I'm glade I could inspire your self as well as Riena it brings me much joy that you both have been inspired one where or another by something I was taught so long ago. You would laugh if you say who I us to be before all this. I was just a little tomboy who hadnt worn a faltering piece of clothing till I was well had no other choice. It was nice to see the looks on the guys face's when they say me.

Report | 09/26/2007 7:06 pm


Aah okay. Just was curious is all. She seems like a nice girl.


User Image

Report | 09/26/2007 10:06 am


lol.. Well that is a lout of questions but you've always had a lout questions since you were little, its what makes you who you are and you should never let any one take that from you.

To answer your question's I've been on many worlds but I do prefer my own my wold Renta likes it any where theres a good stretch of land he and I can run on. I've spent my early years training under Athena, but now I'm well .....her Avatar User Image big job she doesn't usually put me on the battle field in the mix of things until its very serious an usually I fight along side to of Zeus men, been a team since we were well a very long time. I've spent a lout of time training but I've spent just as many good years with my some one that I can just be with. Believe me I know the hole about time thing *sigh*.

I've watched your pantheon grow from day one, and I've seen you all grow up, if you were every at a ceremony of Athena's you would have seen me there, I would have been a performer a warrior dance with spear along side two men of Zeus. Ive been there when you were just a little tick.

Report | 09/25/2007 9:47 am


Who's she?

Report | 09/24/2007 12:41 am


I'm sorry to hear of your loses, and I may be lucky in some regards but not in others. I don't miss the blood shed, but I miss that feeling you get when you kick the bad guys a**, to be frank, as well as helping those that are unable to help them selfs.

Your very smart and thats people look up to you, for guidance and your strength. You must be honored even with no sleep, your efforts are noticed every where. I may not be apart of everything but I do fallow it very closely.

If they're is anything I can do for you please let me know.

Report | 09/23/2007 5:01 pm


np I just don't want it floating around you know, most people don't know who I am our that I exsist, and some times gods are threatened when some ones older then them and not a god. and well I keep to my self I don't really make my self known at least not any more, my day has come and gone and now I just am I guess you could say. I'm content to popping up once and a while I haven't been apart of the big picture for a while. you flatter me though, nice and intelligent I haven't had complements like that in some time.

The person your cousin reminds me of is an old friend that till now I didn't relies was still kicking around not that it makes much of a difference to me now, our would ever. Though from roomers your brother they have very little in common.

I'm sure her father would be more then happy to have his daughter with you, you seem like a very nice and intelligent person that would treat her very well. and thats what every father and brother look for User Image

and being a girl well, I grew up pretty much a boy not a tom boy but a boy and well I was really just afraid of all the girl stuff till I kinda had no other choice I started to like it and found out it wasn't so bad. my friends that i grew up with couldn't well didn't believe there eyes it was really nice to see the look on their faces to tell the truth.