
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Locale: San Diego, CA

My name is Sapphire. Yes, that is my REAL name, not an alias. My parents were hippies (not really but I say that).
I've been on Gaia since '03 but was too poor back then to partake in the uber rare, uber expensive MCs (the halo, the mini angel wings...etc...)

I'm pretty sarcastic and I work at a grocery store part time. I deal with a lot of stupid people while at my job and so as a result, I have almost zero tolerance for stupidity and ignorance in my personal/online time. Don't go thinking that I'm not nice, I can be and usually am.

I'm not a b***h, I'm just outspoken.



Viewing 3 of 3 comments.


Report | 06/07/2008 1:51 am


Oh, really? :'O I luffles crying over game endings<3

Martel! Seriously, I was sitting like "M... Me... Ma... Mal.. Mar... I'm giving up! D<"

Ah, I see! I remember that now. Sorry, it was a pretty long time since I played it. xD

I have to see the anime. .____.'<333 Haven't watched it yet. All I know is that Zelos has manhips. XD<3

Ohno! I got the wrong name. I meant Tabatha, the dwarfs robot. ^_^

Report | 06/06/2008 3:29 am


I don't own a PSP, but my friend does, so I'm forcing her to buy it. I've seen another friend play it though.

I dun like Zack, for some reason. D': I don't "like" Cloud that much either, or, maybe I do, it's just that me and my friend divides the bishies between eachother, and I've got Sephy<3333 and she's got Cloud.

Hmm, I remember being upset as hell when you found out Kratos was betraying you, so I was anti-him the whole game, so Zelos died for me. *gonk* I'm not quite sure what you mean, but Marble was a raincarnation of... OMG, I forgot Mithos' sister name, the goddess. :'O

No, I haven't... I've been wanting to play it for soo long. That one, Tales Of The Abyss and Tales Of The World<3

Haha, no worries, I luffles the rambles! xD<3

Report | 06/05/2008 7:56 am


Ahh, your profile! >wwwww< *fangirl* o____. *nosebleed*


Mmm, yes, I am a ToS fan. :'D

Which ending did you have? Did Zelos die? I always manage to kill him off, though he's my favorite... <////3

I cried my eyes out, I did. <.<


I wanted to be deep...so I jumped into a pool.
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