
-Searches through papers.-

"AH! We found it."

-Unfolds paper.-


"Hello. Our name is The Giant Pretzel Corporation.

TGPC for short, simply for convenience.

We are a one-woman team that has a very bland life. We are all-out for anti-drug commercials and loving rainy weather. (Actually, We prefer it over sunshine.)

One of our many terrible habits include:
-The infamous shuffling of the feet when in an uncomfortable disposition
-Chewing on straws mercilessly while out to dinner and swallowing the left-overs.
-Complaining about trivial things while letting huge problems escalate without so much as a side glance.
-We laugh a little bit too loud,
-We chew on our lips until they bleed. There are small scars to prove it.
-We can't make eye-contact with parents for over a minute,
-We are very stoic when it comes to lying and get away with it fairly easily.

We can't say those are many likable traits, but We are being very honest in saying that We can be a very volatile person to be around.

Being particularly irritable in the morning, We hate getting out of bed and getting prepared for a long day of school. However, We hate even more, coming out of the shower to find the air uncomfortably thick and cold at the same time.

We also hate being asked questions and/or being interrogated; finding that We are far-too-often spaced-out and the person whom is asking the question has to repeat several times before We finally comprehend what is being said.

We love the arts, those of which include drawing, music, and singing (even though We never do so in front of another human or living thing)

-Getting to the nitty-gritty.

Personality traits include:
-Shyness, nativity, hyper-active moments, self-proclaimed style, messy and disorganized, and a procrastinator to the maximum., always wants to have hair dyed but is not allowed because parents are very proper.

Grade being maintained?
C to B average. Shoot Us please.

Er... yes, but someone almost gave Us our first kiss a couple of weeks ago! That counts for something, right? (We are saving the dating thing till next year!)

Music tolerance?
We love many varieties of music, which vary from Jrock, hard rock, and psychedelic rock to New Punk to Indie and even to Oldies. But we are absolutely allergic to country and hip hop. *Sneeze*

Planning to put anything up soon?
YES! We just want to get some things in order before We begin posting artwork and such. Our knowledge of how Gaia works is still at it's minimum, even though We've been here for a while.
We would like to learn how commissions work over the Internet, but We have to take a steady pace. You'll see us commenting every once in a while in the picture post!

Please feel free to leave a comment after Our profile is finished?



The Giant Pretzel Corp.

Non-commitical, boring updates. Occasional rambling and such. Everything else that is to be expected of a journal.
