
You've gotta be cruel to be kind.

So much for the afterglow.

Kiss my eyes and lay me down to sleep.

We hide in the shadows of our silent night.

Losing emotion.

Something so beautiful it hurts.

Whisper words of murder and love.


Beware the Beast but enjoy the feast he offers.

Until I'm in a place where I can believe in love.

In arms riddled with scars, do my lips draw you in?

My blood just wants to say hello to you.

All my excuses turn to lies.

Sweet as salt.

For a moment I love everything I see, and think, and feel.

I never believed the devil was real, but God couldn't make someone as filthy as you.

I won't repent.

I still believe I cannot be saved.

Despite all my rage, I'm still just a rat in a cage.

Take a picture and hang it up so you can tear me down.

This town is still making me sick.

I'll take you anywhere you want to go, far from anything that feels like home.

The real world begins to fade.

All the hateful things I have become, temporarily go away.

It's better to be broken than to break.

I think I used to be someone.

When everything is said and done, there is no place left to run.

Sometimes I forget I'm alive.

It's all so safe and sound.

There is nothing money can't buy.

You're living a lie.

We sell our hearts second-hand.

Break the bruised monogamy.

Maybe you'll forget you were ever, never here.

A kiss is a curse when it means sleep and not love, like a virtue becomes a vice misapplied.

Enough attitude for an army of emo kids.

Anybody with a heart votes love.


Is it right to lose someone close in exchange for someone distant?

I've been dreaming so much... reality hurts just a little less....

It's such a simple thing, but I think I'd die for it.

Even if I no longer exist in your memory...

You're not the only one drowning in imperfection.

There Are None.

True Power lies within the blood of your people's revenge... The devils fruit can lead you there....

At least inside his dreams, he can return to that time they spent together.

The trick is not to care, Sasuke. Then nothing can be taken away from you.

Even a murderer has a heart.

The bliss that is ignorant...

You say you regret nothing but if you remember everything, will you regret this?

Is this the truth he tries to keep me away from?

Tch, he found me. There is no God.

Memories Of When Smiles Were Real

Just because he smiles, doesn't mean he's happy.

When the mask cracks, what will lie beneath?

Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.

A phantom, a dream, a myth he could only believe in...

Evil is just a matter of the observer's point of view.

Being lonely does not mean you're unhappy. It simply means you have no one to bother you.

Ever so mentally...

The best isn't perfect.

Life is one letter too close to lie.

The Closer You Get To The Light, The Greater Your Shadow Is

There is no way everyone can be happy.

Collective Cluelessness

In a war, no side is the winner; both sides will lose lives, and the innocent bystanders will always be the first to suffer.

I think they stole my idea, we'll have to make them pay very dearly for that.

Percentages are for poker.

I'd like to say that this is gonna hurt me more than you, but I don't like to lie.

You can fool the world with a smile.

Because I am more badass than you.

'Cause EVERYONE wants to tie Sasuke up and molest him. EVERYONE.

If you don't knock that s**t off, I'm going to smash your head through a wall.

Nobody is perfect, and I'm nobody. Therefore, I'm perfect.

Pain is created when the brain receives more stimuli than it can process. Pleasure is reaching the brink of this. So, stop screaming. Your brain just doesn't know you're enjoying this yet.

Do NOT piss me off or I will carve your heart out with a dull SPOON and make you LIKE it.

Detailing Every Treason

...the ecstasy of all the stars he could ever be.

Murmurs of love and lies intertwine within his ears to hold the same meaning...

And then something clatters in the distance, the unusual shattering cloud of memory comes together and forms what it has not been able to comprehend.

...his eyes closing and almost sending a silent prayer to a god he wished existed.

The lies tasted sweet, but looked so painful when laid next to the truth.

You dream a little, cry a little, and die a little each day.

"It's not appropriate to call people fags as that actually means a bundle of sticks."

Prayin' one day the pipe dream'll end.

Look at all my pretty broken toys...

Baby, I feel heart-broken but I know I'm not 'cause my heart's not good enough for even me and so sure I'm a hopeless romantic but how can I be addicted to something I've never had?

I think it's depressing when someone is so sad so often that even when they smile the expression comes out wrong. Maybe that's why I don't smile at all.

I realized sometime later - well, well after the fact - that I knew "the fact" before it came and even before then the sun never seemed so dull.

Salvation isn't breathy gasps or low groans, it's whispers spoken so softly you'd almost rather think it was your imagination just to save your sanity. Salvation isn't tangled limbs between the sheets, it's me between your arms and you.

Draw my face, write my name, and burn it, baby, everything'll be fine.

subliminal messages for complete immaculacy

Dying words won't save me now.

Deary me, when we practice to deceive, oh what tangled webs we weave; but it seems not faze you in the least, now why is that?

I memorized all the pretty lines for you, but could you please remember all the perfect replies for me?

Like a soap opera, but worse.

Faces are like vegitables, you should wash them before you eat them.

pallid forms like porcelain dolls

...focus swimming across the world touching the horizon as the sea swallowed the sky.

The sea swallowed the sky and the wind was all the comfort he could ever need.

the brightest and the cruelest is he who cannot remember compassion.

...a pale sliver of dawn that longs to fade away, since nothing's left and colors are just too bright.

wrap my fears in callousness

a devil's child with dove wings

quickSilver panDemic

overly-analysed life pumping organ

stupid concrete Nazi pillbox

The smoothness of your madness is refreshing.

... dripping curls of glimmering magic like tired old gods...

It doesn't matter, though, because, you know, we're in love.

Haven't you heard? Broken dolls are all the rage.

I kissed you on the brain
in the shadow of a train

i'm like a ninja with a nametag

Despair is the damp of hell

It's like a dream come true


The cost? It was possible to say her body and her medical skills. Perhaps it could even be said that she paid for him with her soul. Healing an S-class criminal to make him more dangerous surely would create some bad karma. But if she were realistic, if she was truthful with herself, she would admit that she paid for him with the future she had wanted. It didn't belong to her, or Konoha, or even Sasuke anymore.
It was out there somewhere now, walking along stone hallways in a red and black cloak with soft black hair...
...and perfect vision.
- Loophole, leafygirl (ff.net)

Dear Roxas, you are on bottom. Love, Lulu.
- Catchphrase (LJ)

A joke that had turned more malicious than he'd ever imagined. He'd never meant for it to be like this. How- what if Riku really loved him, then Sora had just become the worst person on Earth. He had dug himself into a hole of his own creation, and he could think of no conceivable way to escape. The truth was crueler than any lie could ever hope to be, and Sora was many things - Stupid, I'm so stupid - but he wasn't cruel. Not purposefully, never purposefully.
- Advanced Theory, Dualism (ff.net)

Meet me beneath my balcony and say
No one but you could ever fill my night
Be the sunlight in my every day
- Juliet, Emilie Autumn (Enchant)

...when you wake up, this'll all be over. You'll be... you'll both be somewhere perfect...
- Sex Ed 101, kokoro77 (ff.net)

Of course, I'm not drunk, I'm just... warm. I love life so ******** much I wanna give the whole ******** world a big hug and then smother it was a ******** pillow, because that is love, b***h, that is love.
- What Should Never Hurt You, Vermillion Lies (ff.net)

...summer equals sun, sun equals hot, hot equals why the ******** are you wearing black leather, you masochist?
- What Should Never Hurt You, Vermillion Lies (ff.net)

Journal is just the testosterone-filled name for a diary. You can put pants on it if you want, but there'll always be that lacy pink underwear underneath.
- Laughter, Nocturne IX (ff.net)

Machine gun fire is my aphrodisiac!
- Forum (kh-vids.net)

When Axel thought of Roxas after the boy had gone, he didn't think of the cold blackness of the empty street he had disappeared down, or the screams and the begging before that. He thought of libraries, and books, and how Roxas had smelled like ink and paper and hope for a while.
- For You, Roxal (ff.net)

But no one gets up after death--there is no applause--there is only silence and some second-hand clothes, and that's--death­----
And he pushes the blade in up to the hilt.
- Rosencranz and Guilderstein are Dead (quoted in For You, Roxal [ff.net])

He'd give Roxas the world if he could, be he can't, so he give him himself instead.
- For You, Roxal (ff.net)

Roxas memorizes everything, playing it back in his head; the most intense moments, the height of passion, written on the redhead's features like lines to rehearse. Maybe if he performs the scenes perfectly, he thinks, he'll feel.
He never does.
- For You, Roxal (ff.net)

The words didn't hurt, but they didn't feel good either. Distantly, Roxas thought they shouldn't make him feel at all.
- For You, Roxal (ff.net)

Oh, you must be so proud of yourself; using blackmail to get people to hang out with you.
- What Should Never Hurt You, Vermillion Lies (ff.net)

Safe was almost my middle name, but catastrophe had a better ring to it.
- Miserere, sexorcist (lj)

I could've said "pyromaniac's oath", would that sound better?
- Miserere, sexorcist (lj)

Look, extra eyelids and shifty molecules are great n' all, but my shoulder molecules happen to be blown apart at the moment. Can we fix that?
- Miserere, sexorcist (lj)

Here's some advice for the kiddies: don't have epiphanies while you're illegally rerouting electricity into your home.
- Crash and Burn, dual_avi (lj)

He's probably wondering if I've absconded with you to seduce you to my evil ways.
- Imaginary, ShadowAili (ff.net)

Zexion, I love you. I really do. But sometimes, you're slower than dial-up internet in the Australian outback. Regardless of whether there is even internet service in the outback, of course.
- Shall We Have Coffee Together?, fantasia0829 (lj)

And Zexion, staring after him from the empty square, still completely and utterly frozen, wonders vaguely if this is what despair feels like.
- (lj)

Fires of hell will not keep me from you, and my own will bind me to you.
- Breathe Me, Roxel (ff.net)

He's on his knees before him again, but not to beg, not to show his brokenness. This time he's there to worship.
- Breathe Me, Roxel (ff.net)

...soft, like always, like cotton against skin, worn and familiar.
- Breathe Me, Roxel (ff.net)

The words he's repeated so many times linger on the edge of his lips but it's unnecessay and so necessary at the same time and everything about them is a paradox that he has to laugh, just a little, into the kiss.
- Breathe Me, Roxel (ff.net)

But such wishes were for fairytales, and he did not live in a world where he would live happily-ever-after.
- Figments of Your Love, Mukky (ff.net)

Maybe it wasn't so long ago but the darkness can do funny things to you, like addle with your brain and infect your eyes with the truth and make you fall in love with shadows.
- (ff.net) [Note: So, I have looked and looked. And, hey, just for shits and giggles, looked some more. But I have yet to find the fic this is from, so I'm thinking I didn't bookmark it. If anyone ever reads this and can find the fic and tells me, that'd be great. It's a RikuRoku, by the by.]

... and Axel feels like he's standing at the edge of that proverbial cliff, the one with the leap of faith, the one where he flies, but he knows Gods and Gravity don't apply to people like him, so he wonders, for a brief suidical second which one it is that'll really kill him.
- Landed, CaideSin (ff.net)

No, Riku. Sunset Plaza Pizzeria doesn't owe your Hawaiian mafia any protection money. Go away.
- I Have a Large, Thick Sausage; The Writer Triumphant (ff.net)

Of course, Namine has to go and rub it in my face that even though I could see what was going on between my brother and his best friend long before either of them caught on to it, when it came to my own love life I was just as blind as I actually was. Sure, it sounds really lame, but it's true.
- How I Paid For College, The Writer Triumphant (ff.net)

Like every other thing he's ever said to me, it strikes me as strange and amazing at the same time.
- I Waste A Dream On Silence, The Writer Triumphant (ff.net)

Don't drink and die and you won't get fried.
- Reprecussions of Femininity, Vixen2004 (ff.net)

And when the time is right, you finish the job by doing what every poet writes about and what every singer sings about. You fall in love.
- How to Ensnare your Photographer, Sorceress Fantasia (ff.net)

Finally, when both realized the need, they released each other and breathed.
- Their First Kiss, kaya's window (ff.net)


A link will eventually be posted here for me to tell why I pick these quotes, which should be fairly obvious for the most part [ones like Their First Kiss are nto obvious, I guess, becuase it's kind of not CaideSin-esque, but I liked it because it's simple and sweet and porn-perfect.], and to save you and your laziness. And also for me to explain the amazing-ness of these fics and their authors. And, you know, dispersed with a proper amount of rambling about fandoms. Eventually.


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