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Hey guys, you're looking lively! ^.^

My name's Demyx, if you didn't already know, and I'm number IX (9, in case you're like me and get confuzzled when they use letters for numbers! X.x;; ) of Organization XIII! ^.^ I'm also known as 'The Melodious Nocturne'! Doesn't that sound really cool? =^___^= SOME people think I'd be better off known as "the Singing Fish" though... T.T

Oh yeah! I also like shiny objects, they're really fun! ^.^

I like saying, 'Dance, water, dance!' cause it makes me feel cool! ^^ <333 Why should Axel be the only one to get a catchphrase, right?! >=O ... T.T Anywhoes...

A lot of people like to call me a dork! O.O At first it kinda mad me sad, but then I learned to embrace it! ^^ But then.... OMG, Sarah looked it up on Microsoft Word! And the second definition... O.O OMG! Actually, one of Sarah's friend, Kailee, said my sitar looks like that.... But... I don't think my sitar looks like a dork! gonk

Oh, yeah! That reminds me! ^^ I play the sitar! It was really hard at first! And it was all painful! T-T But I'm used to it now. ^.^ I like to make water dance. Before it took a lot of effort, and I needed to use my sitar, but now all I have to do is hum, and even a drop of water will start dancing! ^.^ I think it looks prettyful! Everyone else in the organization thinks it's stupid, though! Except Roxas, but he might just be a nice person...

I like to sing, too! ^.^ It's really fun! Most of the people in the organization think I stink at it, though... T.T I don't think I'm that bad.... Sarah-chan doesn't seem to think so! She asks me to sing to her ALLL the time! ^-^
She also says I make a lot of weird noises! O.O Especially when we're having-- OMG! I just found a dime on the floor! I luffles dimes. Especially cause back before I gots turned into a Nobody, my name was Dyme! ^-^ I also like kitties! ^.^ A lot of people say I remind them of one! O.O I don't know why, though. It's really flattering, cause Kitties are so cute and sweet and fluffy!

I think I'm very clumsy. Sarah says it adds to my charm, but that I'm also very dangerous. The worst thing that ever happened was when I tripped while running around with a spoon. I think that guys out of the hospital now...

Oh yeah! I also like to swim! ^.^ I'm not too good at it, though... Axel offered me swimming lessons, once! He said he'd teach me stuff like stroking, and how to hold my breath! But then Sarah whap'd him upside the head and dragged me away... But... I didn't get it! O.O What's so bad about Axel teaching me how to swim better?

Guess I'll never know....

Well, that's all for now! ^.^ Bye guys!

This is a fangirl created account.
And Zemyx is love. xD <3


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Viewing 10 of 13 comments.

Malevolent Obscenities

Report | 07/27/2007 8:33 am

Malevolent Obscenities

Hehe, I could tell by your post colour and the way ya talk that it was you. ^^
Report Issue

Report | 07/25/2007 10:16 pm

Report Issue

i love that insturment!!!
Report Issue

Report | 07/25/2007 7:00 pm

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wats a sitar im sorry im dumb but idk...T^T

Report | 07/23/2007 9:33 pm


I think you mean scary, darling. xD

But I still luffles j00! =D


Report | 07/23/2007 12:08 am


Thanks for the advice in my thread. User Image Cute profile! Demyx=nifty.

Report | 07/21/2007 9:07 am


Oh, so very sexy.

Report | 09/27/2006 7:59 pm


Draculas Lover1462

Report | 09/17/2006 7:25 pm

Draculas Lover1462

ok i was wrong its french in plan english its means night... the last part, anyway
Draculas Lover1462

Report | 09/03/2006 4:11 pm

Draculas Lover1462

ummm i was wondering if part of your gaia name is latin?

Report | 08/31/2006 5:50 pm




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