The Demon Hanako

The Demon Hanako's avatar

Gender: Female

Birthday: 09/18


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Welcome to my humble page!

You may call me Hanako.

Since you're reading this, I suppose I ought to tell you a little bit about myself, yes? Here goes...

I am a twenty-one year old college student. I enjoy drawing, reading, writing stories, roleplaying with a few exceptional people, and various other activities that seem a little tedious to list here, when you could simply ask, if you really wanted to know.

I also enjoy watching anime and reading manga, and some of my favorites include Samurai Pizza Cats, Blue Gender, Fruits Basket, Yu Yu Hakusho, Fushigi Yugi, and Ranma 1/2.

I play what video games I can, my newest systems being a PS2 and a Nintendo DS. I do still enjoy Pokemon games, and am currently starting Platinum over, so I that I've actually beaten it before I move on to beat SoulSilver. If you're interested in trading or some such, you can always PM me to exchange friend codes. :3

If there's anything else you'd like to know, feel free to ask! biggrin


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Rei Judai Report | 05/25/2011 6:52 pm
Rei Judai
No it was just that I got stuck and I am not sure what exactly to do with it unless you have an idea...I mean its hard to come up with the plot even if the groundwork is set....
Rei Judai Report | 08/17/2010 2:44 am
Rei Judai
I dunno I will most likely figure it out as I go. sweatdrop
Rei Judai Report | 08/16/2010 4:10 pm
Rei Judai
Found her little jerk. Anywho yes work is going to be hard to find but I do want to get back to school soon. Might as well pick up a career ne?
Rei Judai Report | 08/16/2010 4:07 pm
Rei Judai
Yeah I was thinking about going back to school. Now I have to go find Oreo I have no clue where she has gotten to.
Rei Judai Report | 08/15/2010 1:55 pm
Rei Judai
I'm doing okay. I am glad that you had fun. I am going to DMV for my test soon and I want to pass that so I have been studying the handbook. It has become my bible for the moment. The sooner I get that done the more chances I have of getting a new job. Glad to hear that you are keeping busy too and that is what matters.
Rei Judai Report | 08/15/2010 8:04 am
Rei Judai
Whatcha up to? Its been so long so I thought I would drop a line.
BKL Report | 07/27/2010 9:55 pm
* She being Shelley
BKL Report | 07/27/2010 9:54 pm
Zelda? Awesome! I've been spending my time playing Fire Emblem which I've been playing almost religiously since she let me borrow it and her game cube.
BKL Report | 07/27/2010 3:26 pm
I shall keep thinking though, so you can get your drawing mojo back into full gear. Ohohohhohohoho!
BKL Report | 07/27/2010 3:25 pm
Hm, no ideas as of right now.



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