Unfortunately, I go by many names depending on who you are. If you have been labeled as family(by me myself and I), then I go by Kiki(childhood nickname), if you are a close friend, I am called Kailey-Kay or Kailey-Kins, if you have role played with me before than it all depends on who I was role playing as, and finally, if you were previously in a relationship with me, then well... I won't even let you address me by my first name will I
razz While I have my moments, I'm a naturally happy, and bubbly person. I can be fairly clingy(I'm trying to work on that...) depending on who you are.
My pass times are of baking, sewing, dancing, singing, writing, drawing, and curling up in my owners lap(I am unfortunately nominated to be a groups pet...).
I have two lovely groups of friends. The northern, and the southern My northern friends conspire of Tom, Drew, Cody, Drew, Cory, Stella, Sophie, Sasha, and Selene. As for my southern friends, they are Tony, Spencer, Michael, Devon, Adam, Juno, Leo, Laney, Nelly, Faith, Jackie, Izzy, Sydney, and Andrea
I can often be found in dark places either sucking the life out of anything that moves, or panicking over how dark everything is. That, or anywhere that can keep me entertained for more than 20 minutes.
Summer Blows...
I don't plan to do a whole hell of a lot with this journal... Seeing as I can preoccupy myself with much better things than writing a journal on Gaia, I probably won't write much...
Most will probably consist of complaints, except for the occasional
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