i luv naruto shippuden sailor moon & death note bleach... animals and writting is fun and i tend to write a ton of stuff.... reading i do a lot of that too i luv music and that's pretty much it swimming horseback ridding and hockey are my sports i want to be a vet so yeah that's everything i can think of atm
My friend Tayio the egg made this for me : )

What I know
I don't know if you'll forgive me
for being so blind
To how you felt
Don't ask me why I couldn't see it
It might take years to figure out
And that's not something I know much about
But there one way to find out
yeah, yeah, yeah
what i know is that i hurt you oh
what i know that i suck
and what i know is that i'm sorry
what i know is that i'm a loser, yeah
what i know is I screwed up
and that i never earned your trust
and what i know is everything i touch just turns to dust
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current quest: hinata cosplay
Please Help Hinata get her headband I'll dance under a watefall for u ^.^
500 k / 2.3mil
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