A fairy tale...?

------ I have my own particular sorrows, loves, delights; and you have yours. But sorrow, gladness, yearning, hope, love, belong to all of us, in all times and in all places. Music is the only means whereby we feel these emotions in their universality. ~H.A. Overstreet
------ Most people use music as a couch; they want to be pillowed on it, relaxed and consoled for the stress of daily living. But serious music was never meant to be soporific. ~Aaron Copland

I'm a hopeless romantic. I linger on the first kiss just to get your heart moving faster. I want to have a girl on my mind all the time. Her smiling face looking at me. That one that loves to be there with me. I talk of love like it's a fairy tale. Well.. isn't it? and if so... It's a fairy tale I'm waiting for. Come write the pages with me.......

chivalry isn't dead;
it's just waiting to be shown to the right person

People say that we all have a psychopath in us. It's deep deep down for some and not for others. Also people say to know yourself completely you have to know all aspects of yourself, technically wouldn't the psychopath be a part of your inner self. Basically we would all have to be a little crazy if we truly wanted to know ourselves.

We sit around watching our favorite shows in our favorite pj's. We watched shows night after night like we had when we were kids in our parents basements watching them in high school. Not a lot changed about us, we both still get in arguments over the most ridiculous things and laugh at them later. We fell in love in high school and here we are sitting here day after day being able to see each other and be near each other. We've grown old but we still call each other the cute little nicknames we always have had for the other. Basically time could age everything, but the love that we have for each other will never falter.

Your head on my chest, my heart screaming in your ear: "I love you." Your fingers entwined with mine, my pulse echoes to your body: "I love you." Your lips linger over a kiss, my voice soothes your mind: "I love you." Your arms hold me, my body promises you forever: "I commit to you."

What are the chances of me and you waking up everyday to each other?

I fall in love with the girl in sweats and a hoodie.

Love at first site. The looking into her eyes, the escape she provides me. She is my fantasy. My refugee from the chaos and stress that may surround me. She calms me. She makes me still. She stills my body, petrifies me. Quickens my heart. She makes me collapse mentally. Stumble my words. Makes me fall in love at first touch.

When you play all your cards on one game and you lose, you're left with no hand.

Life is nothing more than a dust particle in the world, would you let the wind (fate) guide you or make your own current. Control your life.

Don't you wish that life could be a book? You could write your own pages. make your own ending, make your life how you'd like it. Skip the climatic drama and skip right to the happy ending. Don't you wish you could run into someone in the streets and fall in love? Don't you wish you could be with someone that made you smile all the time, don't you wish you could find 'that one' the one that you could see yourself waking up to everyday and no matter if their hair is mangled in their face and they are drooling at the lips you'd love them all the same...... Don't you wish?

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Is life nothing more than an altered world of our subconcious of which things are created and destroyed to even ourselves out.

"I'll love you until the sky crashes into the ocean."

I'd sit here before you telling you what I need, a life. A happiness. An adorable little couple story, one that you can tell all your friends about. Nose kisses, eskimo kisses, holding hands. The fairy tale. Complication greets every corner, but to really find who cares you'll have to see whose there for you after the petty arguments and fights. Those are the people worth falling in love with.

Love is a noun, not only is it a thing but its an idea. A fantasy. A feeling you can feel in any part of your body. From the red in your ears to the tingling in your stomach. Walls are and will always be there until you work on them yourself, you just have to be open. Two people that are truly open can then truly fall in Love, can truly lay together and be happy just doing that.

My life is difficult at times, and the people that are there for me are always a phone call away. Don't lie, don't cheat, don't try to not hurt someone by leaving them. "Sorry" is used often sometimes, they are needed but others they are evasive to the real conversation. All we ever want is dependance, the thought of having someone you can think about and you know damn well at that exact moment they are thinking of you also. That's all I want. But really it's hard to explain sometimes, you can ask "What's wrong?" all the time and the most common answer you'll get is "Everything." I dont know what's always wrong but it just always seems that there is nothing right, we'll fight our minds off until it wins; My minds won thus my fingers continue to type, maybe trying to awe you or maybe just trying to say what needs to be said.

Saying "I love you" is a commitment.
Its saying no I wouldn't mind waking up to you everyday. It's saying no I don't want you to leave my side for any second. It's saying no I'm never going to get sick of the adorable little things you do. It's saying no I wouldn't want to be with anyone else but you. Its saying "you're my everything."

"fate ties no one down; face it rise above it, become yourself. "

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People always want to be happy, they always think that they need someone in their life to be happy; But do you? Do you need someone there to make you happy. You do, I do. I want security, ya know? I want to be able to be all snuggly in my bed and call my girlfriend or hell i wanna be all snuggly in my bed with her. I want someone to make me smile more than I ever have before I want all the eskimo kisses I could and shouldn't have to ask for. Its the little things that matter when your alone, its the little things that you miss when you don't have what you use to.

"Don't be sad my little angel" I'd say. "Oh how I wish you weren't sad. Buuut ohh the things I'd do to see that smile of yours. Just that smile while you open your mouth and show your teeth and slowly your hand goes to your face and covers your mouth. I love that smile girl"

"That smile I'd melt away an ice burg just to see."

Someone come hold my hand and walk down toward the horizon with me, and we'll giggle and laugh. Make funny faces and fall hard for each other. I'll hold your hand real real tight and we'll be walking but suddenly you trip and almost fall. I catch you and swing you around into my arms. I lean down and whisper: "Baby, I'll never let you fall. I won't let you get hurt. My shoulder I want to be your haven. I want to make you happy. Stay with me and I'll do everything to insure that."

We'd go for a trip, a hiking one, we wouldn't get all icky and sweaty though because its a perfect day, the sun's out clouds are in the sky and there's a slight breeze. You'd look adorable and wouldn't believe me every time i called you it, but you'd smile and that'd be all that counts. We'd be hiking up the trail and we'd get to a rest stop. We would sit on the bench and the trees in front of us are cleared away for a view worth a thousand words, we could see everything. The town, its people, cars moving by. But all that wouldn't matter to me, All I would keep looking at is your face. You'd say "Isn't the view beautiful?" I would reply,"Oh, it takes my breathe away."

"What's in an eye? What can you tell from a person through their eyes? Do you get lost in just the eye or the whole person? Sometimes I just want to get lost in the eye and travel through them figuring them out and reach their heart and then hold it. Holding someone's heart is precious, it's something everyone wants to do sometime, but who can hold yours right? You don't want the wrong person holding it. If the wrong person gets ahold of it, they can hurt you. I've hurt people. I regret it, what can I say to help you along the way? Nothing. One of the most said things by me to people that's having a hard time is.. I want to say something to make it all better but I know i can't, I want to say something that'll make you smile, I can't tell you everything will get better, but I can promise you I will try to make it better for you"

"Love always happens in movies like an adventure to fight a bad guy and through that adventure two people fall in love what i want more than anything is to go through an adventure in life with a single person and the outcome not being defeating the bad guy but falling in love which isn't that life's ultimate treasure?"

"I have faith and hope, I'll make it right. I have confidence in my life."

Setting the scene: We laid there. My arms wrapped around you. My hands entwined with yours. Your hair covering my chest. We both felt it. We felt the warmth, the warmth from each others bodies. It made us feel safe, content. It made us feel loved. Love. The love we had for each other was unmatchable. As we watched the stars fall we both fell more in love with each other. We counted the stars. Counted, named, I took your hand and pointed at the moon... I leaned close and said "I'll love you more and more every time you see the moon, just note. When you look up at the moon, and I'm not with you. I'm somewhere still saying I love you, and my hearts there with you proving it"

Setting the scene: Your sitting there and it's dark and the stars are out and the lightning bugs are out and i grab one of them and come close to you and pull your hips close to mine and i lean in and put my mouth to your ear and put the lightning bug to your face and say.... "would you believe me if i told you it was your beauty that drove me to jump into the sky and pull down a star for you?"

Since I can't sing you a song and only play an instrument lean close to me and let me whisper into your ear what my heart has to say instead

"Love is that warm summer breeze that reminds me of you."

"Love its a risk... one that people take to either be hurt or be happier than ever."

"And they just laid there and gazed at the stars, watching them fall as they fell for each other.

"Don't you ever wonder what can come from a glance into someone's eyes. You glance at them hoping that in that one moment they see you looking at them and your eyes meet, but who's going to make the first move? Who's going to introduce themselves first? The worst part about this is that this person is the most beautiful person you've ever seen. But you let the moment pass. Now all you can do is close your eyes and hope, hope that maybe you'll see her again. Love at first sight? Or just a everyday missed chance?"

"Walk down a long road with me, grow old with me. Be mine till we're old and still call me baby and honey. Fall in Love with me."

We walked down the gravel road that we had walked down so many years together. We grew up together. Made each other smile and happy. We held hands everyday while we walked home from school. Now we're older and it was all apparent how much we cared for each other. We blew kisses from window to window and talked on the phone until we didn't have a word to say. But this time it was different, this walk... It felt special. The warm summer breeze blew your hair in your eyes and you stumbled. I turned quickly to catch you and brush the hair off your face. I looked you straight in the eyes. Oh, how I could escape in them. They were an emerald green and glistened in the sun. I loved them. But most of all, I loved you. I loved every single thing about you. How you smiled when you saw me, how you giggled on the phone, it all made me feel so.. unreal. You were everything to me. I opened my mouth I stuttered... "I Love you more than anything, I love you more than everything, its cliche I know, but you know me. Im not good with words. I wish I was, I wish I could awe you with a single line, make you smile and giggle with a single word. Hell, baby I'd make up a word just for you, just to make a word with enough meaning, enough meaning to compare to how much you mean to me."

"All my life I have looked for an everlasting fantasy, a fairy tale, for two people. But time after time they end. I have found for there to be a truly everlasting fantasy it requires my own imagination and someone to share it with that's willing."

"What is love? Honestly.. Do you really know? Is it anything more than a measure of feelings for someone? Is it anything more than a soft goodbye to end a nights phone call? Love. It's confusing. It's destructive. Love, people take its risk for reliance. For something to fall back on, depend on. Love can break or make people."

- In my world you have the right to your own opinion, and i have the right to think your a douche. ^^ Savvy?

-My rule for life: "It Happens." simple as that people. I don't make big deals about things in the past. I'm not really one for drama.