
Hi I'm asian. That's something to brag about. xD

The name's Terrakura, as you can see.

Well here're the basics:

I'm Female.
I'm fifteen or sixteen.
I don't even know. Weird, huh?
I enjoy reading, writing, and singing along with the radio cranked at the top of my lungs - and I'll admit I'm tone deaf.
I dislike when the water goes cold in the shower.
When it rains in the winter and its freezing out.
And just being cold in general.

Please don't:

Beg or ask for donations; I give to whom I choose.
Send me Chain or Scam Pm-s for I will report you.

Feel free to:

Leave a comment.
Send me a Pm.
Send a friend's request.
Make me avi art.
Make me signs.

Well that's all for now, have a wonderful day <3


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