
Ello! Thanks for visiting my profile! Well, here is what you want to know about me...
I'm 13, and my birthday is May 1st. I love music, it helps me realeeve stress... I love food, some I don't like, and I'm very picky. My favorite colors are gray/silver, black, white, and blue. I love all types of animals, sometimes they get on my nerves, a little... I'm depressed, I'm sick of my life, family, and misery... I have a broken heart at the moment, and I'm trying to find the pieces, but it's useless. I'm part Indian, and I like to be. I have long brown hair to my butt, and brown eyes. I am about normal sized. People explain myself as ugly, I'm not, but I feel like I am. I've lost friends, and I didn't do anything wrong. I guess they want rid of me, sense I'm ugly, and shy...
Gaia Information: I always hang out in Barten 5, 001003, and if no ones there, I'll be at Barten 5, 001004. I'll always answer PM's and Comments back. I also love random PM's and Comments. If you want me to hang out with you somewhere, I'll come. I'm a great person here on Gaia, and in real. I guess, see ya around.


Viewing 6 of 6 friends



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Invisible Thoughts

Report | 01/27/2008 11:01 am

Invisible Thoughts

Sorry folks... This is my new account. Click meh if wanted. [:

Report | 01/26/2008 10:08 am


Oh noes : [


imma kill those bitches for hurting you.

No one deserves that -hugs-

: [

Dont cry always think Nicole Will always

be there for you

Report | 01/26/2008 10:00 am


Oh noes : [


imma kill those bitches for hurting you.

No one deserves that -hugs-

: [

Dont cry always think Nicole Will always

be there for you

Report | 01/23/2008 8:00 pm


KEy KIll Me

D e v i a n t x A n g e l

Report | 01/22/2008 4:58 am

D e v i a n t x A n g e l

"You stole my heart...

Sowwehs. I didn't see the post. .___<''

...Now give it back!"

Loony Libra

Report | 01/21/2008 4:19 pm

Loony Libra

Nice vid.

Report | 01/21/2008 1:58 pm





Report | 01/20/2008 2:33 pm


Sure.. I guess. D:

Report | 01/19/2008 7:16 pm


well im just heart broken key.

I gave my heart away and someone crushed it.

aw -huggles-

I will add it in a sec.

Key i know you will do that.

I didnt tell you did i,

some people tried to kill me and my friends.


Report | 01/19/2008 7:03 pm


I dont know :[

I would never quit without telling anyone..

Im so depressed. <//3

And this makes it worst.

Im heartbroken and lonely.

