
Welcome ladies and gentlemen to the circus of the strange, the sideshow of the the sinister and the theatre of the bizare. Enter a realm of dark wonders to indulge in your wickedest dreams. Or, if you dare, explore the shadows of your most diabolical nightmares. Cast your eyes upon the cruel oddities of nature and behold monstrous creatures from the depths of the abyss. Hear the dark wisdom of gypsy soothsayers as they unveil things yet to come, and marvel with awe and dismay at unbelievable death-defying acts that teter on the very brink of doom. Leave the mundane world behind, for those who visit this festival of phantasms, are never the same again. Step this way... there's no turning back...

User Image
Total Value: 393,005 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Death Whisper (6th gen)
Death Whisper (3rd gen)
Alruna's Rose 8th Gen
Alruna's Rose 2nd Gen
Dashing Gentleman Pristine White Gloves
Dashing Gentleman Gold And Black Cane
Dashing Gentleman Onyx Tie
Dashing Gentleman's Onyx Tail Coat
Dashing Gentleman Onyx Shoes
Dashing Gentleman Onyx Sash
Dashing Gentleman Frilled Dress Shirt
Dashing Gentleman Onyx Vest
Dashing Gentleman Onyx Tuxedo Trousers



Viewing 1 of 1 friends


Talos' Time Log

Just random BS mostly... or other things...



<-Alquist Allerdyce->
<-Server: Ravenholdt->
<-Guild: Original Sin->
<-Level 85 Blood Elf Mage->
<-PvE Frost Spec->
<-PvP Fire Spec(aka crazy exploding mage spec)->
<-"What am i looking at? Ashes dead man..."->