

Thoughts from an Endlessly thinking mind

I write about what ever, when ever. So don't complain if I don't post often!


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 07/14/2009 3:45 pm


Charlie~! xD
Long time, no talk!
What's up, homie-g? :3
Saiyura Tsukiyo

Report | 06/29/2009 7:39 pm

Saiyura Tsukiyo

I'm trying to see if I can get out of going to Minnesota to go, lol. I really don't like my family enough to spend TWO AND A HALF WEEKS with them. >_>
So yeah. . . Hopefully I'll be there. :3

And also! I've only had one day off for most of my weeks this summer, and a few weeks with NO days off. </3
I need to learn to not have a hard time saying no. :c

Two and a half weeks? o.o
And I though I had it badly with one week.
Good luck. :3
You could always try using work as an excuse.

It's because you're a nice person that you do.
But you do need to learn that skill, it could help you in the future.
At least you're making a lot of money.
Saiyura Tsukiyo

Report | 06/29/2009 12:58 pm

Saiyura Tsukiyo

Haha, no is a good word in some cases. c:
I had a friend who kept doing that and before she knew it she was only getting like a day a week off at most.

Did Kevin text you a while back about Micheal's(I think that was his name) birthday?
He said some people I knew were going and I hoped you and Holly were on that list.
Saiyura Tsukiyo

Report | 06/29/2009 12:46 pm

Saiyura Tsukiyo

Thank you. <3
I really have no choice if I want to finish my Japanese minor though. ;-;
So have you been up to anything fun lately?
Saiyura Tsukiyo

Report | 06/29/2009 12:42 pm

Saiyura Tsukiyo

Awesome, that sounds like fun. c:
I wish you luck in finding them. In my experience DSW is pretty nice when it comes to shoes.

I'm stuck studying this whole week, a prisoner to school and home. x.x
I have my summer school finals in two days and I only know about half of what I should at this moment.
I can't wait 'til the 12 of July I'll be done with school and family vacation time and free for five weeks.
Finally! xD
Saiyura Tsukiyo

Report | 06/29/2009 12:32 pm

Saiyura Tsukiyo

I though I'd say hello. c:
See how you were doing and all.
Hopefully you're taking some time to enjoy the summer and not having to work every minute of the day.

Report | 04/14/2009 10:11 pm



Report | 04/14/2009 9:17 pm


10 pts from gryffindor

Report | 04/11/2009 8:43 am

10 pts from gryffindor

They are from hare + guu C: or "hare Nochi Guu"

It's a great anime, very funny.


Report | 03/28/2009 8:32 pm





I'm sad now....



If this is love, then I'm ******** proud of it.