
Sometimes I feel like I'm merely observing reality and not actually participating within it. Like my body and my life is not my own. But then I think: well, perhaps it's just that I spend too much time on the internet or too much time fantasizing about this thing or another. And then I rebuke myself by saying: but, if I didn't spend so much of my time web-surfing and daydreaming, I'd have to participate in reality. And when you compare reality to the myriad of fantasy worlds you've created in your brain, you realize it's just plain unsatisfactory.


The Computational Handbook of Statistics

Nothing to do with statistics, more the ramblings of an overtly bemused mind. My thoughts, my feelings, my secret desires, my favorite things...all that usual crap people fill their journals with.


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Report | 05/28/2006 6:36 pm


can you be one of my friends on gaia


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When you're forced to compare REALITY with the myriad of fantasy worlds you've created inside your brain, you realize just how plain UNSATISFACTORY it can be.