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Argentite's avatar

Report | 11/24/2015 8:50 am


Heh, you haven't met the truly mean me. I'll just say that while there aren't too many people who actively dislike me if they do it isn't entirely their fault. Gonna leave it at that, but that's what life is. I've done regrettable things but you can't please everyone. I don't think I can find it in me to be mean to you of all people though ;w; <3

No, his HP actually caps out higher than Skulverine's. I'm getting a projected max HP of 639 (HP grows linearly, and iirc he starts out with 2 HP at Level 1). o.o
Considering Pumperilla caps out at like 704 or something that is not bad.
80 resist means you don't get statused super badly... idk. It's lower than Skulverine (85) but better than my Pumperilla's 75 and Pumperilla is always poisoned but I guess you gotta live with that if you farm Sycamorte for a living. rofl

Welcome, welcome!
Honestly, I don't have a lot of things I really want, and the two items I want (well, three, I want two copies of one) are hideously expensive and right now remain pipe dreams.
(though if I grind enough I could end up with them at some point)
Really, don't worry about it, I'm just happy to help you out.

Hee~ Welcome~
Ahh, it gets like that, huh. It is annoying to have to take pills so early in the morning... but yeah, at least that's one way of looking at it.

Glad you dug the song! Never was a big fan of Bieber's from the first two albums, but I heard his latest and it's surprisingly good.
I listen to lots of things. I love metal, but I can appreciate most other things anyway. Saff's like that too, really.
Before this, on my profile, I had an intriguing EDM cover of a black metal classic. I've had doom, blackened death, power metal on my profile, and assorted punk and pop punk songs and even some pop.
I wish my Last.FM were more up-to-date but I play mostly not-so-popular Bandcamp stuff nowadays and haven't set up scrobbling for Win10 so yeah.
Payonai's avatar

Report | 11/24/2015 2:52 am


im sorry i'm terrible with the slow speed of my replies, but i'm glad you get me
even if it takes months i'll always eventually reply, i promise emotion_brofist

that sounds pretty concerning. I know it was a few days ago, but did your dr say everything's ok?
i have -15% knowledge about medical stuff, but i'm glad to hear you're ok for the most part at least
the past few days haven't been great- but i'm not stressed out or anything, so that's good

Argentite's avatar

Report | 11/23/2015 1:23 pm


Oh no, not at all. I am not that nice. I can be downright horrible.
I may act all nice and helpful and stuff but I have a mean streak. I try and keep it down but sometimes I can't help myself.
Though with SiIverwing I actually didn't do anything, I just got banned for "suspicious activity" and am trying to get it sorted out.
As for The Deuteragonist, I got punished for things I did on my mule, mostly vigilante justice and stuff. Gore spamming some jerk who was crashing Gaia...
I did that in November, but got banned in February for it. emotion_facepalm

Okies~ *huggles back*

Ahh, I see. I have one of my own but haven't done much with it. Maybe I should try, it's probably one of those weak but high growth kin...

Okay, then! But the offer's always there. Especially because I finally finished my quest. =w=
And I'll let you know if I can somehow get my hands on Pumpae. o3o

*huggles more*
Ahh... I guess with those kinds of things, it really is hard to manage without surgery or a lifetime medication regimen...
But I'm glad it doesn't seem to be causing you too much trouble for now. Still, I'll hope that it gets better, by surgery or otherwise. ;w;
Argentite's avatar

Report | 11/23/2015 11:09 am


Seven times, not counting a couple of temp bans I got for some trolling I did in the past. A lot of the accounts that got banned were pretty poor tbh but The Deuteragonist and SiIverwing had lots of nice items. orz
Kinda salty about losing those two, though I might get SiIverwing back sometime next year, idk anymore.

I'll give you whatever I stumble upon, though. :3

Ahh, I see... Good luck with that! I never had much patience for Pegacorn Fluff unless you're talking Sakura, which I wish I had but I'm fine with the Kin I have right now. o3o
You know, I don't mind loaning you my Pumperilla; she's at Level 38 and manhandles Area 4 Sycamorte and even some Area 5 Sycamorte (she can beat Phantoms, but you need to heal her). In the middle of farming for something but it shouldn't take too much longer, so once I'm done, since I won't be questing for a while after that, how would you like to borrow her?
I can also loan you my Skulverine but honestly Skully isn't very efficient (needs lots of potions) and is only good for low-level Sycamorte. He does get a new move at Level 30 though and he's close to it.

*clings back* I know, but still. Don't want you sick. ;3;
Well, we'll just hope for the best, like I said. ;w;
Argentite's avatar

Report | 11/23/2015 5:10 am


I'd not go as far as to call myself amazing, heh. But yeah.
I've been on the receiving end of some kindness, given my propensity for getting banned and having to start over a lot, so I'd like to pass it on. :3

You're welcome! Alas, it looks like I don't have any of those on the accounts I thought would have them...
But I'll get you some, somehow!
(And yeah, because I missed this earlier, I was referring to Sycamorte. xd
My Pumperilla is like Lv 37 but it's so hard to farm because it seems their encounter rate went down and they just spam me with lots of Prunnys now. orz)

I wouldn't say it makes me feel better. I don't want you getting sick. ;__;
Oh no, that sounds awful. I hope it doesn't get to that but if it does I hope all goes well.
Argentite's avatar

Report | 11/22/2015 12:09 pm


Something in between.
I've been bumping a few charity/quest threads, yes, and giving to them on occasion.
But mostly I'm one of numerous WG anons. ninja

I just sent you the one I had. I'm not actually using those so I'm glad to part with them.
If I find any more on my other accounts they're all yours. :3
I had a ton of those on my banned accounts... orz

Maybe. Heaven knows what I have, I have colds/allergies all the damn time, tbh. Oh well, I deal.
Argentite's avatar

Report | 11/21/2015 7:24 am


Ahh, I see! Good luck with that! heart
I'm actually pretty much stuck in "help everyone with quests/charities" mode so let me know what more you need!
I need more motivation to farm giant trees and I don't really have too many goals for myself at the moment. lol

As for me, I guess my weekend has been okay. If still kind of sleepy. I cannot sleep through the night anymore, but at least my lungs seem to be getting better. lol
Argentite's avatar

Report | 11/21/2015 7:00 am


Hey you~ <3
How are you doing?
Argentite's avatar

Report | 11/19/2015 8:22 pm


True, but really, getting good at anything does. No short cuts, no substitutes for real hard work.

Lol, well... I guess that would be even more reason, they experienced it and they don't want me to make their mistake. xd
But nah, can't be stopped. I've been doing teaching in some form since I was in middle school. I love passing knowledge down, really, I do.

Haha, yeah, it's easier if the students are interested, and, more importantly, have the right training. Most of my students are already in other training programs and have competed nationally and internationally which is why I get to push them a little harder. With a normal class, I'm gonna have to really slow it down. And be even more patient.

I'm sorry, I should've explained that first. Got a little carried away, I guess. sweatdrop
A perfect square is a positive number that you get when you multiply an integer by itself.
It's called that because it is the area of a square whose side is an integer. (Similarly, squaring a number is multiplying it by itself)
For example, 81 is a perfect square because 9 x 9 = 81, and the area of a square of side length 9 units is 81 square units.
Similarly, 16 = 4 x 4, 169 = 13 x 13, and 1681 = 41 x 41. So16, 169, and 1681 are perfect squares.
Perhaps you have a different term for it?

Ehh... well, what's gonna be the point, though? lol
That and I've been struggling to install new programs as of late. Windows 10 is kinda really terrible. I am considering it, though, so I'll let you know.

I've got really bum lungs and they pretty much crashed again earlier this week. They're getting better, but I'm not 100% and I keep getting headaches from all the coughing I do. emotion_facepalm
Thanks, though. I'll be okay. <3

Haha, nice, nice! Honestly, I used to write poems a lot in class in high school, but I never got to do that as an undergrad. Too much pressure. Glad you somehow still managed to doodle a bit in class. xd
Catima's avatar

Report | 11/19/2015 1:47 pm


Thanks for the stuff. emotion_c8
Lockstep's avatar

Report | 11/19/2015 11:09 am


My dog and I have this morose code type system that involves her barking and me trying to decipher it quickly. I think it would've been easier just to learn how to read really...
I don't know what I'm on about don't worry lol

I'm alright. Stressed because of school but whatever. How are you?
goopyghoulie's avatar

Report | 11/19/2015 7:22 am


yeah.... but, avi builder's better than just using dress up. it's still new, though, so it's a work in progress. hopefully they add in color filters like tektek had. i'd really like that. because i don't trust just typing in the color < A >

oh shoot, i saw that you had a knot (?) in your thyroid, and I meant to ask about that.
because, having an operation's scary, but it's your thyroid. it's a precious little butterfly child that's very important, so you want to make sure you take care of any problems with it right away! ; v ;
you'll be fine, snoo. doctors are doctors for a reason, you'll be in fantastic hands if you really do have to have an operation.
/sends lots of love <3

goopyghoulie's avatar

Report | 11/19/2015 6:19 am


uh, yes
you make perfect sense, i do the same s**t sometimes
that laugh is so cute though omg
i may or may not steal it... some time... in the future...

yep!! avi builder's back up and i hope it stays up. it's been a struggle without it, they really need to stop teasing us ; v ; hopefully this time it's up for more than just a week or some s**t like that.....

i have... a lot of ocs... yep. all with my e-bff. we got together in 2012-2013 and made a whole bunch of boring ol human ocs that are related/know eachother. weeeee < v >
Lockstep's avatar

Report | 11/18/2015 7:24 pm


Thats cool; I can't read!
...Wait a second.

*tackles* Hi Snoozie <3
goopyghoulie's avatar

Report | 11/18/2015 5:04 pm


why have i never seen someone type out 'mehehe' before
this is fantastic
i love how it sounds in my head

well... i just get bored of things easily. so i need to spice it up a bit.
now that the avi builder's back up, i'll probably actually do one of my male ocs
goopyghoulie's avatar

Report | 11/18/2015 3:54 pm


i don't even know what's happening anymore ; v;
there are so many things to keep up with...
make cute avatars, participate in holiday threads, keep up with wg, keep up with people in comments...
oh dear
the holidays are soon upon us mad

and thank you omg
i've become kind of attached to this avatar ; v ;... which is sad... because i'm getting bored of playing the character already... but i don't wanna ditch the avi...
Dissonantia's avatar

Report | 11/17/2015 6:48 am


*Sticks tongue out teasingly before lightly pulling with a suck*
*Blows along back of ear and nuzzles*
"Allll's fair~"

*Squeaks at the nips along tail; becomes red as a tomato
Tail wags*
"Your tongue is ticklish.... No fair either..."

"I was going to capture you but hrnnnn--"
*wags and pouts*
"You got initiative.."
There are so many distractions it hurtssss..
So much to do and search, so little time TvT Before you know it, it's 2am

My major's graphic design, so lots of drawings and projects basically.

What level are you, if I may ask, or are you working? :> No need to tell if private, but curious~?
And FFFF always perfect?
Don't you mean you? ;O
Your avys are always perfect nnnnn
I love the designs and how cute they are HNNg
they look so huggable and squishable and creativeeee

Archiduquesa Akako's avatar

Report | 11/17/2015 6:10 am

Archiduquesa Akako

        aissh im so envious lol
        i miss uni days D: and having short hours ._.

        well, she's Akako as in the main oc. everything else, is just me playing dress up X'D

        you may if you want c: but yeah so many items, not enough people to give presents to :C

        I feel ya >w< but thermal bath sounds fantastic! I need to get a massage ...spas omg D:
        ...besties talking about engagement rings, kids, wedding plans etc over lunch and i was like ..... //gets phone out and skypes with online buddies

Payonai's avatar

Report | 11/16/2015 10:30 pm


heya snoozey!
sorry for replying so late- I actually thought I sent my reply a while ago but just realized that nah I didn't
I was probably tired and didn't finish the comment or something?

anyway you mentioned that you went to the hospital a week or so ago- are you alright??
but i'm happy to know everything's good!

i've been fine- procrastinating on homework, gaming, the usual emotion_brofist

Argentite's avatar

Report | 11/16/2015 11:45 am


No rush! I may start being slow with replies, tbh, I'm not exactly feeling well right now and have been lying down most of today. orz
Also, forgot to mention about 1681: Its square root is 41. 41 also splits into two perfect squares when cut down the middle (both 4 and 1 are perfect squares), though sadly, it is itself not a perfect square. (It is prime, though!)
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