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D= I lost my old profile, but I suppose I will make another for myself soon...

-[Quick Information]-
-I'm 22 years old.
-My name is Amanda, put people usually get lazy ans drop off the a, and I prefer just Manda.
-I live in Southern New Jersey.
-I used to live in Charlotte, NC until I was 16, then in Cali until I was 17.
-I AM NOT A SOUP CAN. Do not label me; I am not goth, I am not emo, I am not punk rock.
-I don't tolerate stupid people.
-I am a girl, and I like martial arts.
-I raised two new born kittens by bottle feeding them and acting as a foster parent when I was 15.
-I'm not short, I'm just small framed.

I don't speak "Internet," as in, short hand words ("u" "r") I am a grammar Nazi, and suck at spelling at the same time. I <3 Spell check. It's there for a reason, use it!

Anime and manga are cool, but my life doesn't revolve around it. I equally like to read other literature as well. I'm very picky about what I read, however; not everything can catch my attention so easily.

I love writing, but sadly don't have as much time / always get a new idea before I'm finished with the old; my journal is testinmony to that in itself.

Debating is fun. Arguing, I ignore, and will not respond to. There is a clear difference.

I will not accept friend request if I do not know you. At least talk to me some.

Inquisitiveness = Intelligence. If you don't know something, learn it, if you don't know what you don't know, read a book, and if you're confused by the statment I just said, I feel sorry for you.

Me any other normal day
User Image

Me having a conversation with an inantimate tree deer
User Image

Haiku's are real hard
And sometimes they don't make sense
(If you get this, you get a cookie)


Viewing 12 of 27 friends


Literary Work

A complement of all my written work...


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 02/18/2010 10:12 am


awesome layout
Good Bean

Report | 02/17/2010 9:50 pm

Good Bean

Thanks for the ink <3
Lucid Ordinance

Report | 04/14/2009 5:49 pm

Lucid Ordinance

hello, you posted a question for me in my joint art shop, M.idnight S.ky.

i have replied to your post with specifics to your question, in case you are still interested in buying.

Report | 09/16/2008 4:25 pm


Hey amanda, it's been a while since I've commented you, so I thought I'd drop by and say hi. Have you started applying for colleges yet?

Report | 08/04/2008 12:55 pm


RAWR! speak to meeeeeeee....

Report | 07/24/2008 8:47 am


hey amanda, are b you still alive? we haven't heard from you in a while.

Report | 07/16/2008 9:57 am


I don't know if you care, but my mom was in yesterday's newspaper. you can look it up at charlotte.com. if you do, search: bright hopes andit's the 1st article that pops up.

Report | 05/23/2008 2:19 pm


Where are youe pnts -gasp, faint- lol i'm bored. TALK TO ME!!!!!!!!

Report | 05/13/2008 12:41 pm


Haven't commented you in a while. Hi, how's life????

Report | 04/13/2008 6:31 pm


wow. i comment you a lot. i love the 1st song (or should I say instrumental) on your playlist.

