
Hi! I think all there is to say right now is that my name is Snowy!!
Okay, that is a really lame first line, but it's all that I could think of at the moment.
Anyway: Some other stuff about me...
I love to read, especially good manga or novels.
As far as movies go, I am a Star Wars addict (nerdy, I know) and I also love any animes made by Hayao Miyazaki. They are INSANELY AWESOME!!
As you can quite possibly see, I am an insanely hyper 4.0 GPA student. Okay, maybe not the 4.0 part, but maybe you can catch the hyperness?
I dunno..
I'm brand new on Gaia, and I love friends and peeps!
Also, I have an absolutely gargantuan collection of Beanie Babies.
Sad, I know, but what can I say? I'm an insane person!
OOH! Also, I am absolutely and entirely obsessed with my wondrous iPod, which is absolutely and entirely NOT NOT NOT pink. Rock music is a wonderful invention, is it not?


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Viewing 2 of 2 comments.

Krad Ruhk III

Report | 05/07/2008 9:57 am

Krad Ruhk III

I don't mean to be a nudge, but the powers that be were wondering if you were going to post on the Shonen Caterers Guild anytime soon...
The reason they ask is because you've been registered for a while, but like many people haven't even said hi...
This worries them, so they have sent me to talk to everyone and see what's up.
Oh, and if you don't like any of the topics in the guild at the moment, I was informed to tell you to make new ones that you do like! ^_^
That's all for now. =D

~ Krad Ruhk III, Guild Ambassador ~
Nathan The Gray

Report | 02/08/2008 2:23 pm

Nathan The Gray

The dark lord sends his regards.