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Nasyiri's avatar

Report | 03/08/2013 1:01 pm


Oh. Well I see you've got it all figured out then.

And that's easily one of the most hardcore ideas for a backstory element that I've ever heard. It's definitely unique, too. Get a lot of backstories around here that could be interchanged just about perfectly with each other provided you swap out a few proper nouns here and there..
Nasyiri's avatar

Report | 03/08/2013 3:09 am


Well I've gotta say, you're the only person I know to full-on remove an eye because having two of them is something of a hassle. xD
I notice that you didn't remove the tear duct from that empty eye socket over there, though. Doesn't that make for some problems of its own? EW, if you close your eyelids does the tearjuice just BUILD UP, until you open them and a whole glob of tear just glugs out everywhere?!?!??!? O:
Nasyiri's avatar

Report | 03/07/2013 12:31 pm


I do use the Lovely Lucie mascara pose with the Skittles eyes, and it does look pretty good. Like it worked really well on my previous avatar, but this avatar has a whole lot less black in it, and when I used that combo the eyes looked.. not so fresh. I have the Masquerade too.. Gah. It bothers me SO MUCH that it's so hard to see that one eye on this avatar. Honestly I probably will end up using the Skittle eyes again here soon. Even though I wish I didn't have to. I really love the shape of this blue eye I've got here.. but really I think if I had to settle on a single eye color for Nasyiri I'd rather it be yellow than blue.. Runcible Spoon has a pose with one yellow eye and one blue eye, but the shades are not exactly what I want.. and also the eyes are kinda small, so I'm not really sure it would be any better than what I have going on right now.

..I recognize that this is a silly problem. I do. But that doesn't make the problem go away. xD
Nasyiri's avatar

Report | 03/05/2013 3:41 pm


Welp. JK about everything I just said about my disappearing eye. Dev notice says they just fixed that problem. xD
Nasyiri's avatar

Report | 03/05/2013 3:04 pm


Tektek is a dangerous place, but it's also one of my favorites. So many items.. so many powers. @q@

And thanks! ^o^ I think it maybe still needs some tweaking.. but I like it so far. The weirdest thing ever though.. so okay, the item I'm using to make one eye blue is called Deus Persona, in case you didn't know of it. Well it's an awesome idea for an item, but literally none of our other eyes match the eye shape of this item. My default eyes were just about the only ones I could find that even came close, and somehow, some combination of the items I'm wearing made my default eyes just straight up disappear. So I had to go buy new eyes.. and the shape is really annoying me, but it's the closest I could get. D: I gotta have one blue eye and one yellow eye, yo. I just gotta. And the skittles eyes are just so big. I get tired of them sometimes.
Nasyiri's avatar

Report | 03/05/2013 3:21 am


ikr I can't control myself.
Yeah I'm not sure how you would go about that really. It could maybe be done.. but it'd be a challenge, for sure.

You really do have some good arts. You really do. I'm always a lil' bit jealous.
Nasyiri's avatar

Report | 03/04/2013 12:34 pm


Eh, yeah, I know that feeling. Of course I think you know exactly how I feel about the whole dress-up mule idea.. >o> [/whydoihavesomanyaccounts]

But at least for Nasyiri, I have a decent range of outfit selections that are different but don't make her look like she's not the same character. At least I think so, anyway. I mean I keep the same hair, ears, eye colors, etc on all my avatars. And also I always wear a mage hat, and avoid wearing shoes or pants, and use my Coal Sprite.. idk. Things like that. Makes it nice, because I like to stay in character, but I don't really want to be limited to one single outfit for the rest of my life. Although with this avatar I'm trying to make now, I'll be using a really cheap hat. I'm not sure why that bothers me, but for some reason it vaguely does. My expensive hats make me feel special. xD

I have sort of ignored all those new account safety features. I don't even think they were bad ideas, but I apparently just couldn't be bothered.
Nasyiri's avatar

Report | 03/04/2013 3:04 am


Yeah. Something like that. Curse themmmmm~ *shakes fist*

In other news, I'm thinking of trying out a new avi. But I'm afraid of change. >o>;;
And the last item I need for it isn't on the MP anyway, so I guess I'll just wait around for a bit.
Nasyiri's avatar

Report | 02/28/2013 2:28 pm


Yeah wow. Like they didn't get enough glorification already, what with the winning, and the keeping their skin, and the total unadulterated humiliation of the losing team.. I mean, it's just.. The more I think about it, the more not okay with it I am. xD

The results of that event will literally be a sore spot on my soul for the rest of my Gaia-life.
Nasyiri's avatar

Report | 02/26/2013 1:15 pm


I think I missed three of the days, somehow. I mean I was on Gaia every day, but I apparently couldn't be bothered to go get my items. >o>;;
But yes, I did see/get the BOO skin. To be honest, I'm not sure how I feel about it. And by that I mean I am sure how I feel about it, and how I feel about it is kind of annoyed. xD I always thought it would be unfair if people who weren't actually on that side of the conflict were allowed to wear that skin. It just seems really wrong to me. But oh well. I guess I could theoretically go change that BOO avatar of mine and sell those items.. hmmmm..
Nasyiri's avatar

Report | 02/16/2013 3:14 pm


lol! I only read one of them at first, because I recognized the NPC name as someone I thought was cool. Fortunately for me I didn't miss out on anything with that other NPC.
Yes, yes, the items. I know. But I think that's SILLY. Items that are produced in that mass of a quantity aren't that expensive to just buy.. or you can always use a mule, or something. I think the camaraderie that comes with not being able to turn your coat is kind of nice.
Nasyiri's avatar

Report | 02/13/2013 2:25 pm


Uhm, it wasn't too bad. I didn't have the time to participate in it as much as I'd have liked to, but it came with a decent plot and setup. For real though I haven't seen a better event than the 2008 Halloween event, with that four-race battle that just turned into an all out killing spree. The only problem I had with THAT event was that you could change race whenever you wanted, which frankly hurt the allegiance factor of the whole game. But OTHERWISE.. Yeah though this last one wasn't too bad. Although people seemed to think that they really didn't like either of the two sides to choose from. I didn't feel that way though. It was a clear choice for me, personally.
Nasyiri's avatar

Report | 02/11/2013 2:18 pm


Uhm, well I actually have no idea what this Gaia event thing is. All I know is that it has something to do with a combination of Valentine's Day and Gaia's 10 year anniversary.. but I haven't actually been to the event forum or done anything with it, so.. >o>;;
Lately it has seemed to me that the only events worth participating in have been some of the Halloween ones. Occasionally the Summer events are good too, but I usually skip out on most of the other ones. Although most of the events are good places to go try for some art freebs, but I haven't even done that lately.
Nasyiri's avatar

Report | 02/08/2013 3:58 pm


Yeah, that's good.

Oh I completely agree. Everything after was terrible. Also dragon ball was not very good, either. Kinda really boring, I always thought. Granted I saw dbz before I saw dragon ball, so that might have something to do with that. Frieza was a great saga. In my opinion that saga up through the end of the Cell Games saga was the best segment of the show. I wasn't a huge fan of any of the stuff after Cell, really. It felt like at that point I couldn't keep track of people's power anymore and everyone was just sorta too strong for it to be interesting anymore. I mean there were still some good moments, but just overall.. Yeah. Plus Trunks was my favorite so when he left I was le sad. ,_,
Nasyiri's avatar

Report | 02/07/2013 2:01 pm


Well, I guess that's fair. All things considered. Seems fair. Anyway it was always a shame how she never went off to make something of herself; she had so much potential.

Yeah, it's just so good. I mean the dialogue is maybe the cheesiest stuff ever at certain times, but then other times you're just like.. omg.. all the feels. @A@
Nasyiri's avatar

Report | 02/06/2013 4:56 pm


That's just terrible. Man. Well, I work with / am neighbors with her aunt. I went to the viewing.. but I couldn't go to the funeral because of work. I mean I know that saying how sad it is would just be an understatement, but still. ]:
Uhm, wait, does that mean your sister is going to school? I didn't know that. Although to be fair I haven't talked to her in a super long time, so I guess there's no reason why I would know.

Oh really? Huh. Idk still if I'd play it, but I do know that any game that requires me to restart my computer into Windows mode is guaranteed to lose my attention really fast. So it'd have a better chance with me at least, if I could just play it on le Mac. And idk 'bout that sprite work either. IF I ever make one that I think doesn't look horrible, I'll show you. xD But I have been doing stuff this week and haven't actually had a free evening to work on that since the weekend. I did have free time today, but.. you see my little brother has never watched DBZ, so.. I felt the time was right and as the older sibling I decided it was my duty to get him in on this amazingness. So we watched the first five episodes today. I was SO WORRIED that he wouldn't seem interested. But luckily he's pretty hooked so far. And I mean.. mostly the show only gets better as it goes on, so I'm thinking that if he liked the first few episodes, he'll like it all. PHEW. Anywho though.. maybe this weekend I'll get back to work on that. sweatdrop
Nasyiri's avatar

Report | 02/02/2013 8:27 pm


Oh, I had heard people talking about that at work, but I wasn't really sure what the situation was. I didn't know her very well, but I think she was friends with a decent number of my friends. That's just unbelievably sad, though. Do you know what happened exactly? I only knew she was on life-support, but I didn't know why. And how is your sister, besides that? I haven't talked to her in a pretty long time, I think.

Yeah, it is nice to meet people irl who play the same games as you. Or even to meet people who just play games, and respect that you also do. xD The best friend I made at my last school I made initially because we found out that we both liked anime and gaming, and we like instantly became friends. It was super nice. I played League like one time. If they hadn't discontinued their Mac client (as far as I know..) I might have tried to get seriously into it. But alas. I guess I'm better off not being addicted to it, though. This way I can use my free time to try and do some arts. This sprite thing isn't going as well as I'd love it to be though, lol. It's so not like anything I've ever tried to do before. I thought it'd be a nice portfolio addition though, since it's so different from my other stuff. But it will be a dump portfolio piece if I don't get better at it. xD
Nasyiri's avatar

Report | 02/02/2013 4:18 pm


Not too bad. I've been doing some mild research looking for a school to go back to. I thought I had some ideas nailed down but I'm now thinking I need to look for cheaper, maybe. So I'm sort of back to square one on having no idea what I'm doing. But I've made it through almost half of this time off, and that's a good thing. I spent today trying to learn to draw good looking sprites. Mine don't look too bad, but they aren't quite as good as I want them to be. So I s'pose I'll be trying again here in the near future. How about you?
Nasyiri's avatar

Report | 01/24/2013 2:18 pm


Well hey. There's no wrong way to have some Gaia. ^o^
Nasyiri's avatar

Report | 01/22/2013 4:43 pm


Supa late. But that's okay. I realize that you aren't as addicted to this gaiadrug as I am. ,_,''
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