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Nasyiri's avatar

Report | 03/21/2013 3:04 pm


Huh. Well apparently my lappy can load a whole new page instantly but can't be arsed to deal with so much flash. ALTHOUGH I realize that's partially my internet brower's fault. Or it might be completely my internet browser's fault. But I'm too lazy to bother with doing an extensive study on the matter. The most annoying part for me though is that if I want to refresh the forum page, I'll do it by clicking the page link, which makes the flash load the new forum page content, but the entire browser page doesn't refresh, and I can't see if I have new notices or anything. I don't like that. It bugs me. A lot.

How old is your desktop, lol? Maybe it just can't be bothered anymore. I mean ours is like.. the same one I had in middle school.. and I think that's the problem that it has. >o>;;
Nasyiri's avatar

Report | 03/21/2013 2:55 pm


True story this event is a mass hysteria of spam and the stupid flash forum pages loading too slowly or freezing up. I jumped in right away and got 20 eggs, but I'm not feeling much like going back to that awful place. But I do want all three items, so.. I guess I'll be doing that. But yeah. This event is awful, lol.
Seriously, I have to open just about every new forum page in a new tab so the dumb flash loader doesn't freeze up on me. When they made that change to the forums I literally almost died. I hate it so much. /rant
Nasyiri's avatar

Report | 03/21/2013 2:48 pm


They really are. They really are. Plus EB is kinda a psycho.. so that's always fun. And to be honest, the item grants are not too great on either side. But if you were gonna use any, yeah, you'd probably be more inclined toward the mecha stuff. I'd be happy with that Tron-looking egg up there in the header, lol. But ALAS. *weeps softly*
Nasyiri's avatar

Report | 03/21/2013 2:30 pm


Haha, nice. Idk, the bright bubbly pastel header is what tipped me off. But you know how it is.

I think the MCs are called Shy Gardener and.. The Woodsman, maybe? I forget the masculine one. But I think it's that. It's pretty good. But yeah the feminine one.. no one pose is exactly like something we already have, but the whole item just seems really.. unoriginal. Like we've seen that theme a billion times over. Idk. But it's nice anyway when we get one of each.

Also you should join the side of NOT Diedrich, because he's annoying as frick. I realize that the event is "cute vs anti-cute," not "Diedrich vs the EB," but EB is kinda awesome, and Diedrich is just terrible. I would sooner see all cute things abolished forever than see Diedrich win this event. emotion_facepalm
Nasyiri's avatar

Report | 03/20/2013 2:52 pm


Yeah I turned those off so fast my internet browser didn't know what hit it.

Eh, that's kinda true. MC quality has kinda tanked in recent years, though. Which might be because of RIGs, but idk if that's necessarily accurate. Or at least not completely. This month's masculine MC was pretty nice. The feminine one is kinda lame though in my opinion. But I do like this trend of one masculine and one feminine item each month. I think it's a good solid idea. So uhm, this event. You participating, or..?
Nasyiri's avatar

Report | 03/19/2013 3:46 pm


I'm not a fan of them either. I have seen them used well from time to time, but yeah in general I just think even the ones with potential are waaaaaaay too small for our avatars. I'd be happy with a bare leg mod with bare feet that was the size of our avatars' normal legs. emotion_kirakira
Can't see that one ever happening though. And I'm not a fan of most arm mods because I can't ever see a great reason for my entire arm/hand to be covered in a single-color sleeve. And I just think they are equally weird about their size. I don't have a problem with our normal avatar base though, to be honest. People complain about the weirdnesses of it all the time, but I'm not sure what they're actually looking for. It's obviously never going to be wholly realistic, and I don't think we'd like it if it was. So.. what do they want? D: Apparently a gross imbalance of already stylized proportions. I mean this avatar body is not in line with actual human proportions, but it's proportional to itself. And those mods just throw the whole thing off. I hear you though, about the Gaia veteran thing. I don't like all these newfangled contraptions. Leg mods, arm mods, ANIMATED items.. *shakes fist*

lol it is hard to keep up with them. I used to basically know our entire item database. I gave up trying on that one a looooong time ago. But I do like new items.. even when I don't buy very many of them. After the everyone-wearing-the-same-new-item-combo dies down, it's nice to see so much diversity in all the avatars. But I agree, I never call 'em CIs. I don't even see that term thrown around in the GCD very often. Although I think that just goes back to the I-don't-like-chaaaange thing. >o> Plus RIG is just way more catchy. Let's be real.
Nasyiri's avatar

Report | 03/18/2013 2:24 pm


Silly Fyre~
I kinda wondered that you didn't even know about it. I mean I know you're not around much, but that'd be a big thing to miss. xD

I can't help myself. Sooner or later I have to get some feedback. D;
But lol, that was a pretty long time ago. I can't even remember you having a different avatar. I know you've tweaked this one.. but I don't remember what it looked like before this concept. The only comments I get in the AF are "no." xD

Eh. Maybe. Yours is unique though. We've got an overload of creams and pinks goin' on up in this place. Creams, pinks, mints, people wearin' cakes.. It's a shame though because some people actually pulled it off nicely before you started seeing it EVERYWHERE, and now it's just tiring. We do have some nice means to make super extravagant avatars nowadays though. Although you might not know it, what with a new RIG having just been released. Every time we get a new item dump, you see a million people wearing the same like two or three new items. Especially leg mods. So many leg mods. @m@
Nasyiri's avatar

Report | 03/18/2013 3:20 am


Oh lol. The scissors pose is the popular one. It modifies almost any hairstyle on the site. There is a thread that shows how it works with most of them, though I'm not positive how up-to-date it is. I think it's pretty well updated.

And yes. I ask for comments/suggestions/critique semi-regularly. Especially when I make new avatars, and especially when there are one or two things I'm iffy about. Because if no one mentions the parts I'm iffy on, then I just assume they aren't as bad as I think. But if everyone else notices them, then I know I have an issue. >n>;;
Nasyiri's avatar

Report | 03/17/2013 5:08 pm


That's true. Not a bad idea, I s'pose. But I'd still get sad. xD
Although my items are a little bit.. dispersed.. I have one Agape, but yeah man I wish I'd picked up a couple. I'm a terrible investor though. I didn't actually buy my Agape until the popular pose was added, but I did at least get it before that pose became well-known and the price skyrocketed.

We should have form coalition to bring them back into style. cool

I went with the no-mouth look for a long time too, but it always annoyed me that I couldn't just settle on one. I finally settled on the little black line, but I took a lot of flak for that too. I can't win with these people. And I don't really want lips that are lipstick'd. That's what I like about Gaia-sama. The naturalish lips pose is alright. But yeah, most of our mouths are funky lookin'. But I can see where you'd have a worse time of it than me. xD
And LOL. It's not that. The plain face is only a problem with my avatar because it makes the face look disconnected from the rest of the avatar. Plainer avatar + plainer face, not so bad. Super intricate avatar + plain face, noooot so great.
Nasyiri's avatar

Report | 03/17/2013 4:42 pm


I feel like using that would just make me feel.. sad. xD

True. I've lurked in a few from start to finish; they seem fun. I was too busy to enter the one, but the prizes were phenomenal. Darn school for making me miss out on those chances. I still weep over it to this day. I think I actually would have had a chance, too. But yeah, you'd have to be active. Though you're doing an alright job of that, now.

Right? I think they used to be. Back in the day. I don't know that they were quite the same as Gaia's take, but I heard something like shoe clips mentioned in a book I read set in France just before / during the French Revolution. I guess they probably went out of style around that time, too. That would make sense, anyway. People trying to throw off the aristocracy wouldn't want to keep dressing like them.

OH YOU KNOW. I am a mage, after all. *wiggles arms magicishly*
..Welp. I'm trying some stuff out.. lol, I can't stand not having red around my eyes. But it's tricky without those giant eyes covering up the ugly black smudges from Stage Makeup. I like this solution, but it doesn't look great with the mouth.. which is the only mouth I was actually able to settle on since I can't afford Gaia-sama. Though more than the mouth I think it's the lopsided eyes that are making this look odd. But I'm gonna deal with it, I guess. Everyone I ask was telling me my face was too plain, and I agreed. ,_,
Nasyiri's avatar

Report | 03/17/2013 6:02 am


Right? It really was. I'm reasonably sure the profits from that sale went toward my other account's avatar. So it was definitely worth it. ^o^

You have a Swirl too? lol, dang. Have they gone up in price at all since their release? Mmmm.. you could always use them as prizes for an avatar art contest. You can get lots of arts and stuff, and not have to deal with selling them? Or you can just sit on 'em and hope they keep increasing in price lol. xD It is a shame that they cracked down on those cash offers though. I did some of them in the beginning too, but alas. You have collectable letters TOO? Cripes. Cripes. I can't hang on to items of any retail value for more than like two days. That's crazy. Crazy. I mean all together all those items would probably make you a decent little blob of golds. Or arts, or whatever.

On an unrelated Gaia-related note, I went shopping yesterday to get a nice outfit for my cousin's wedding, and we were at a shoe store for my little sister, and I was kinda aimlessly browsing around, and they had a bunch of accessories near the front of the store. Well I saw these bow thingies, which I suppose were hair bows, but for the longest time I looked at them thinking they were shoe clips. And then I was like wait.. that's not even a thing.. omg. D;
Nasyiri's avatar

Report | 03/14/2013 1:37 pm


Yeah I can't be bothered to watch those videos either. Probably for the same reason I don't play games for gold. The profit yield is too small to grab my interest. I mean I realize that little bits add up, eventually. But gah. I can't do it. I used to get the occasional cash card for Christmas or my birthday, but that hasn't happened in a really long time. I don't know how long exactly, but it must have been waaay long ago, because I don't think I ever had enough cash for a RIG bundle during the time RIGs have actually been a thing. I used mine on EIs, way back in the day when EIs were still good. xD
I used to hate the idea of Gaia cash though. But I suppose it's really not so different than paying to play WoW.. so if I had any kind of spending money lying around that wasn't earmarked for loan payments and gas, etc, I wouldn't really be opposed to grabbing some Gaia cash. Maybe one day. Sometimes when I have enough pure laying around, I do a bit of vending with RIG bundles. Then if I make a decent profit, I'll buy one or two single RIGs to play for fun. I'm sorta into gambling, so I find them fun.. but if I'm not careful I end up just dumping all my golds down le drain. Although one time I did win an item worth around 4.5mil or so. So THAT made me day. Only happened once though. Too bad I'm not that lucky all the time. I'd play the crap out of those things. @o@

You still have a fortune egg? Dang. That's impressive. I'd never be able to sit on a chance item for that long. That is too bad though. Item, y u no b worth billions?? emotion_donotwant
Nasyiri's avatar

Report | 03/13/2013 4:32 pm


It happens. >o>;;
Yeah though. Even when I think the pet is cute, it still drives me crazy being up there moving around. And to be frank, the presence of that pet has absolutely ZERO effect on my interest in a new RIG. Seriously. I read all the speculations about the coming RIGs in the GCD. If I skip out on that, I see the announcement. If I miss THAT, I see the header. As soon as I know there's a new RIG, I check for the item list and look at every single new item. Every time. That pet.. is just flat out unnecessary. And a poor advertisement, too, since only the obscenely rich or lucky Gaians will ever actually get the RIG pet. For cryyyyin' out looooud.
Nasyiri's avatar

Report | 03/12/2013 5:24 pm


Oh, me too! I bet your avatar just looks awesome with it, too. It's like it was made for you. xD
My avatar is lookin' absurdly bright up there. And the lopsided eyes are helping a lot.

..I could do without the animated pet, though. I could always do without the animated pets.
Nasyiri's avatar

Report | 03/12/2013 3:14 am


lol really? Do they just get bored of them and let them die?
And oh.. yeah lol. I guess I didn't even think about that part. Hahahahaha >o>;;
Nasyiri's avatar

Report | 03/11/2013 5:52 pm


ikr? Laziness is the best.

Those two are always doin' RPs..
Nasyiri's avatar

Report | 03/10/2013 2:45 pm


That's fair. And that's really probably best for a Gaia persona. I've molded Nasyiri to fit dozens of random RPs and scenarios for this place. To the point where I've basically completely forgotten the original elements of her character and backstory. ONE of these days, I'm gonna work on that. One of these days..
Nasyiri's avatar

Report | 03/10/2013 5:48 am


Haha, nice. I believe it. And dark is fine, if that's what you like! I think I would moreso prefer just a more serious take than a necessarily darker take.. but for all I know it is really serious and I'm just missing the whole concept. xD

Eeeee, I'm sorry! D:
I mean it was a good idea, so I'm not that sorry, but a little bit.. >o>;;
Nasyiri's avatar

Report | 03/09/2013 6:08 pm


fpffffffffffff, I suppose I kind of expected it to be a little more involved than that. xD
Mostly all I know about this Gaiaverse is that it has terrible NPC representatives. I mean I suppose there have been a few noteworthy side characters popping up from time to time in RIGs and whatnot, but I don't know how much those storylines even count for anything, so.. Every time I've ever tried to actually follow the main storyline I've just been @n@<(..??)
Nasyiri's avatar

Report | 03/09/2013 5:25 pm


I suppose it probably would. It sounds like a sweet idea for a piece of art though. I would be interested to know what sort of time period / world Fyrefly lives in. Based on her clothing and choice of weapon, and that cute little star thing on her head.. it would have to be a pretty compelling setting, I'd imagine.
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