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Nasyiri's avatar

Report | 04/18/2013 6:36 am


lol, that's okay. I totally understand. So do you have a lot of finals, then? Or just a few super stressful ones? Finals are the worst. *pats*

Well that's good. Makin' progress. Like a boss.
Nasyiri's avatar

Report | 04/08/2013 12:40 pm


I mean it was intentional but I thought some of them were overpriced even considering that fact. Specifically that gold rose pin thing, and the balloon thing. But whatevs. And yeah, it was supposed to be a gold sink. But they clogged it. Clogged it good. Now all the golds just sit there, plugged up around the drain, cuz the items are just loitering there, collecting drain-scum. And to think that shop is owned by a wizard's son. The shame of it all.. *shakes head sadly*
On a side note though I would totally love to own that massive white veil thing that costs like 9.2mil. It's so pretty. emotion_kirakira

Eh, yeah, that is a problem. I suppose I've let quite a few fall by the wayside because I'm too lazy to log into every account I have. I do a pretty good job of checking up on the handful of them that have remained purposeful, though. I don't understand the account locking thing, though. But I spread my general wealth just about evenly amongst the accounts I can be bothered to frequent. Just in case one of them ever dies somehow, I'll still have a nice foundation to walk around on. Of course that does come with risks, like you said, but I feel like at least right now I'm enough of an addict for those to be pretty minimal.
Nasyiri's avatar

Report | 04/06/2013 7:28 pm


Haha, true. Plus I wouldn't even know how to go about doing that. I'd be super embarrassed. And feel like an idiot.

Right? It was an awesome idea. And I feel like the gold sink idea would be more effective if the item rarity was still a factor.. which it isn't, when they just sit there forever. Ugh. Stupid Gaia, stupid.. That whole thing didn't even last very long. They ran out of steam really fast. D: And yeah, they are pricey. Some of them are gorgeous though. But others don't strike me as being worth their price tags. *shrugs*

I do hate that lol. So much. Although to be fair I think that feeling is behind my small army of vacant dress-up accounts. Because yes, I do believe that is a side effect of keeping a mostly unchanged avatar. These hats don't quite fall into that category for me.. as I do wear some of them from time to time, especially during holidays and themed events.. But yeah for the most part.. I know I feel that way about other items.. but for some reason I can't think of any other examples. sweatdrop
Nasyiri's avatar

Report | 04/06/2013 5:53 pm


Nice, nice. That's fortunate, lol. And gold beggars.. yeah they are fun to laugh at but after awhile they just make you wanna do something violent. I don't have a problem with people showing their quests and dreams in their sig or post styles or whatever, and passively/indirectly asking for donations, but don't just straight up PM me begging for gold because you just don't want to earn it yourself. I don't have time for that TRIPE. *reclines languidly and eats some grapes*

Yeah. They did that. So stupid. Because yeah, that was an awesome idea. And I didn't even see anyone complaining about the fact that it disappeared, except when it disappeared for like a year and people thought maybe it was forgotten about. But I don't know if they gave a reason for stopping that feature. Seems like a laziness thing. And a DUMB thing. I was enraged about it for awhile, but now it's just a festering sickness in my heart that pains me from time to time~

The two hats I'm deciding between are Mage School and Sorcerer School. Aside from those two, I only need.. I think three more until my quest will be temporarily done. Until they release a new hat, that is. I'll still need Melodious Withcraft, Djinn Baharat, and Guertera's Witch. None of those three are too pricey though, so I'm not too worried about them. I think I would be more likely to use Mage School than Sorcerer School, but.. usability isn't a huge factor because I'm honestly not overly likely to use any of those other hats because I just like this one I'm wearing so much. And.. I don't know I just can't make a decision. Both of them tend to drastically shift in price on a semi-regular basis, and I'm afraid if I pick the wrong one I might lose my chance on the other one. But obviously I'm not helping myself by not buying either of them. *babbles on and on*

That's okay lol. It happens to the best of us.
Nasyiri's avatar

Report | 04/03/2013 12:29 pm


Yeah, I hear ya. You'd almost have to like.. win some giant contest or something to start up a pile of gold fit for donating. That is a bit odd though. Round about how much did that pendant cost? Although if you don't go to the forums that often, then the noobs wouldn't see you often enough to bother you, so that could be it.

Well, that might be true. I don't have too many big ticket items that I plan to quest for though. Aside from maybe Gaia-sama. It actually doesn't sit great on this new avatar, though, so I'm not even sure if I ought to consider questing that one or not. Store price for this hat is 5.7mil.. I paid slightly less than that, but I can't remember exactly how much. Probably something like 5.3mil. Of course it's value has plummeted now, like all the D*C items, since they decided to stop making the shop disappear and come back with different items. Now all the items have just been sitting there for ages and ages, and they have effectively lost the rarity that once made them valuable. So that's kind of a shame. Not that I have plans to sell this hat, but I do feel a tad bit less special about having it. >n>'' I do have my mage hat quest progress in my sig though, and all told the hats I own are worth somewhere close to 9mil, I think. I do actually have the gold currently to buy one of the two most expensive hats remaining on my list.. but I can't decide which one of them would be a better buy, and I have a mini panic attack every time I try to pick one. D;
Nasyiri's avatar

Report | 04/02/2013 12:58 pm


Wouldn't it be awesome, to just be ridiculously Gaia-wealthy and be able to wander into random quest threads and just make dreams come true? That would be fantastic. I feel like if I had that much gold though, it would be a real struggle for me to not spend it all on avatar art. >o>''
It's been ages since I actually bought any avatar art. I used to do that semi-regularly, though. Hmmm. I might have to wander over to the art shops and take a look around. The only quest threads I've ever seriously creeped on were ones that belonged to my friends. That is kinda fun, I s'pose. I maintain though that I'd never be brave enough to have an actual quest thread. Plus I don't really think I look poverty-stricken enough for it to even be a legitimate idea. Not that the sole reason for a quest thread is to get people to donate, but.. it's a big reason.. and donating to someone who looks wealthy just seems like a waste of funds, lol. I mean I don't think I look super rich or anything, but evidently I look rich enough to be the target of the occasional noob-begging-for-gold PM. That's gotta count for something.
Nasyiri's avatar

Report | 04/01/2013 12:38 pm


lol xD
I basically live in that forum. I don't post near as often as I lurk, but I when I do post it's usually there. I mean I occasionally visit the AT and the SF.. and even more rarely will I venture into the AF.. but for the most part I wander aimlessly around the GCD whenever I'm on Gaia. Lotsa stuff to read there.. lotsa people with lovely character avatars. Admittedly, there are a whooooole lot of repeat topics. But it's a good place to check whenever anything new pops up around the site. Items, events, staff members, the whole works.
Nasyiri's avatar

Report | 04/01/2013 12:26 pm


Well shoot.

omg, maybe that's the April Fools thing. That there isn't one. But there is, and it's that. APRILFOOLSCEPTION. @o@
..Er, but in all seriousness I think there is an item floating around the Easter event page that you can get, or something. It's a gag item, I know, but I haven't actually seen it myself. I read something about it in the GCD this morning before work, but I have mostly no idea what they were talking about.
Nasyiri's avatar

Report | 03/31/2013 2:48 am


Well that sounds nice. ^o^
I love the GoT soundtrack. Just sayin'. Could do without all the onscreen babymaking, but the music is lovely.
Well shoot. That's just super annoying, when you make plans with someone and then they fall off the face of the earth before you can make confirmations. I mean I know people are busy and have lives and stuff on the weekends but still. Leaving your friends just hanging there is not classy. I hope you get it all worked out!
Nasyiri's avatar

Report | 03/30/2013 12:25 pm


rofl. That's awesome. This is why you gotta stay in school, bro.

We are going to my cousin's house tomorrow to spend Easter with my dad's side of the family. I'm pretty excited about it. Although I only just saw all these people last weekend, as one of them of the cousinly variety got married on Saturday. But still. I'm also pretty sure we are doing something with my mom's side of the family.. but I don't know if that one will actually be tomorrow or not. The rest of my immediate family went out last night for a mini Easter-break overnight vacation. But not my dad, cuz he had to work late last night, and not me, cuz I had to work this morning. Alaaaas. ,_,

lol, how 'bout you?
Nasyiri's avatar

Report | 03/29/2013 2:56 pm


lol. Those are a pretty important thing. Probably should take care not to forget them again. xD
And haha, that is fortunate. xD Nice. Although I'd wager that you could look it up on the school's website. I don't remember how I did it, but I would assume that that's how I went about it. Cuz I don't live within walking distance of anybody, so.. yyyrp~ >o>
Nasyiri's avatar

Report | 03/29/2013 12:39 pm


Transferring can be really easy or really complicated depending on the people from your current school that you have to deal with. I actually did a lot of transfer stuff with BG already though and they were pretty helpful and nice about it. The people I had to deal with at MY school were absolute CRAP. But yeah.. Mostly all they want are your transcripts and stuff.. and if you have any classes on there that they consider vague, they might ask you for the syllabus from the class. I just emailed the office of admissions and they gave me an email address for an advisor in my desired area of study, and then she set up some phone meetings with me since I couldn't go out and meet her. But yeah lol.. I mean.. some of that stuff can be complicated.. but you can't actually do any of it without asking someone for help. Since helping with that kind of stuff is an occupation that people have.. and they are there specifically for facilitating all of that.. IDK. >n>''

As for the high school stuff, if you email the high school guidance councilors they will tell you what you need to do. I literally just did that like a month ago, lol. Haven't actually done anything they told me to do, but at least I know how to go about it, if I need to. xD
Nasyiri's avatar

Report | 03/27/2013 3:41 pm


Oh lol. Well it's a really nice campus. I haven't been there in awhile.. but when I was there, I really liked it. It has good security, too. And the student union is awesome. Plus it's in a nice little college town. Yeah. Good stuff. I stayed there for two weeks during a summer camp once.. not a bad place. I don't know exactly how expensive it is, though. Last time I looked, I decided it was too expensive for me, but that was a longish time ago.. and I just went through their little "calculate your cost" thing.. and I'm really not sure what I did last time to make it as expensive as I did. IDK bro. But I'm gonna have to look at this again.. xD
Nasyiri's avatar

Report | 03/27/2013 3:28 pm


lol, maybe not. Man, BG is super nice though. If I could afford it, that's where I'd be going for sure.
Nasyiri's avatar

Report | 03/27/2013 2:03 pm


Well shoot. Advisors.. they can be the most helpful people in the world, or the most counterproductive-to-the-cause people in the world. Ugh. Well.. I mean.. In spite of the negative circumstances.. I would still have to recommend getting some kind of degree. For the sole reason that you'll need to make money somehow, and getting by on minimum wage is just not a desirable situation. I mean I think it would be sweet if you became an author, but.. at the very least, you might learn something about how to get yourself out there and how publishing and stuff works, if you majored in English? Plus you could theoretically get a teaching license to fall back on.. if that'd be something you'd be interested in.. Sucks that your college is feeling like high school though. That shouldn't be how it is at all. >_< Have you thought about maybe an online school, or tech school? Idk. I mean I'm a huge advocate of getting a college education, but if you're gonna spend the money for it it should make you happy.
Nasyiri's avatar

Report | 03/25/2013 3:20 am


Haha, well.. my advice would be to not drop out. I mean, if nothing else, you could always go for a Business degree. Jobs are tricky to come by nowadays anyway, but having a degree would be really helpful in finding a job that pays more than minimum wage. I mean.. right now I make a little bit over minimum wage, but if I worked for an entire 12 month period I wouldn't make 15k. I'd say if you have the opportunity to grab a degree, it's gotta be worth it. ,_,
Nasyiri's avatar

Report | 03/24/2013 6:34 pm


Yeah that's true. But I always have to drive in it anyway and my siblings get snow days and I get SO JEALOUS. ,_,

I've got a full time job. I will probably stay at it until the end of June or so. My goal is still to get back into school this coming fall semester, but I haven't decided on where I want to go. I need to do more research. I mean I have done some, but I haven't really made any progress as far as reaching an actual decision. But anyway, yeah. I work. Monday through Friday, and usually at least one weekend day. I've been trying to work on some portfolio pieces in my spare time, but I haven't been able to do as much of that as I'd like to. I'm busy, somehow, but honestly I couldn't tell you how that is..
Nasyiri's avatar

Report | 03/24/2013 5:37 pm


It snowed a little bit earlier today.. but not very much. I think we got taken off of the little winter storm warning map. At least, that was the status the last time I checked. At first I was excited for the snow.. but then I remembered that I'd have to drive out in it no matter how bad it was, and I wasn't excited about it anymore, lol. Although I am completely okay with Winter clinging on and refusing to die. I am so so so okay with this.
Nasyiri's avatar

Report | 03/24/2013 4:21 pm


Well shoot. Maybe I will. rofl
Nasyiri's avatar

Report | 03/24/2013 3:37 pm


It might. I suppose I can just keep ignoring them for a little while longer, until I come up with a solution.
Not gonna lie though, I was seriously considering Bibidi, Babidi, and Buu there for awhile. >o>''
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