
Hello, I'm SionEXE. Pretty much the only reason I'm here on Gaia is to RP, because I'm a pretty good writer and love RPing.

Name: Kiran Melwasùl

Age: 84 (Looks 21)

Gender: Male

Race: High Elf

Class: Ranger

Weapons: Kiran wields a steel hand-and-a-half sword, and a composite bow of yew sap wood and heart wood, though he doesn’t wield these weapons with much skill yet. Having only been a free elf for a few months, he has taken up daily practices with these weapons. He keeps the sword sheathed in a leather scabbard strapped to his back, as well as his bow and quiver. He also has a steel dagger in a leather sheath strapped to his belt.

Armor: Over his plain cloth clothing, Kiran wears a hard leather vest that covers his chest and back. The vest is intricately designed and has several patterns and inscriptions on it, and in the middle is the High Elf symbol. Kiran also wears leather gloves, bracers and boots. He also wears a leather belt to tie off his tunic and vest, and he wears a sword belt with his sword’s scabbard attached to it across his chest, so that his sword can be on his back, rather than at the hip. He also wears a dark blue cloak that goes down to his shins, and he often keeps the hood up.

Magic: Kiran didn’t have a chance to learn any magic while living in Dagurra as a slave, but now that the High Elves are free, he has learned a small amount of healing magic.

Skills/Abilities: As a result of the many years of physical labor, Kiran is extremely lean, fit and muscular. This allows him to have peak elf abilities in running, jumping, climbing, and swimming. He also has a high vitality, stamina and dexterity.

Appearance: Kiran is tall, tanned and muscular from many years of physical labor in the sun. He also bears several scars from beatings and whippings that were given to him by the slave masters of Gilraed. Kiran has clear blue eyes, and pale blonde hair that goes down to the middle of his back. He also has a scar on his left temple that extends down to his lower left jaw that was presumably given to him by a slave master of Gilraed.

Story: When Kiran was 20 years old, five in elf years, his village was attacked by the human slavers of southeastern Dagurra, also known as Gilraed. Most of the residents of the village were killed, including Kiran’s mother and father, and the entire village burnt to the ground. Him and brother, Unduin, were enslaved and taken to Gilraed to work in various jobs of physical labor, including boat building. When Kiran and Unduin reached their 76th year, 19 in elf years, they had had enough. Over the course of eight years, they devised a plan in which they would escape from Dagurra, and the human slave masters. Finally, when Kiran and Unduin had both turned 84, they executed the plan. The surprised guards and slave masters were overwhelmed and slaughtered by the numerous slaves. The High Elves then made their way to the docks of Gilraed, where they killed the guards there and stole most of the boats docked there. They set off across the vast ocean, eventually coming upon a new land, which they named Agerasia, or Agranoth in common tongue.

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