We struggle to make a difference, to change the world, to dream of hope; never knowing for certain whom we will meet along the way. Who among the world of strangers will hold our hand, touch our hearts, and share the pain of trying.
User name mad little x onex32
I am sweet.
I am shy.
I am quiet.
I smile&blush alot.
I love to hang out with friends.
I love to listen to music [[Music=Life]]
I have really great friends [[If you mess with Rynhart92 or korrokitten you'll be dealing with me...bum bum bummmm...]]
I am nice but I can be mean to you if you are an a*****e to me.
My mood changes a lot so I can be happy or sad anytime.
I'm sorry...but I am Psycho Crazy... get used to it...
~I like getting random PM's and friend requests from people so feel free to PM or FR me! ttfn, byez!~

Johnny The Homicidal Maniac:
"Such amusing fiction, these stories they tell. It always comes to this. If they really had a desire to live, they would've been more aware of how easy it is to die, would've chosen their actions more wisely. In these moments, you can tell they're not regretting having hurt you. They regret doing it to your face." ***Special thanks to:
Darkness_Rising111 heart
Hate_Breeder365 heart
cynthiasnape heart

You have control over darkness. You are dark both in heart and soul. you are tough, cold, sarcastic, a loner and theres a touch of sex appeal in there somewhere! You have little or no emotion, or at least none that you show. you don't tend to let people get close to you and if you ever do have a boy/girl friend its usually just based on raw lust, apart from maybe one or two that ended in tears...:'( you have a discreet beauty that you don't let people see.
japanese name: Amaya(means night rain)
power words: yami (darkness), emotionless, black, cold.
relationship type: either raw or too loving.
mythical being: vampire.

Total Value: 468,464 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
GO Phones
Gimpi 2nd gen.
Devil Imp Plushie.
Oculus Magica
Satin Hairbow
Elemental Wings
Labu Necklace
Gray SKA shoes
Buddhist Monk's Rosary Red
Buddhist Monk's Rosary Red
Emo Glasses
Blood Drop Brooch
Celebrity Miniskirt
Black Wool Top
#0000FF Complex Shirt
Drop Dead Gorgeous Onyx Skull Hairpin
Drop Dead Gorgeous Onyx Skull Earrings
My Dream Avi... For Now ^^There's this one also ^-^

Total Value: 215,908 Gold
[Item Information]Item List:
PixieSatin HairbowDrop EarringsWinter RoseWhite Neko CosplayCoal Tavern Wench's CincherWhite Flow Prom DressFai CoatOr possibly this one

Total Value: 514,660 Gold
[Item Information]Item List:
Prisoner's ShacklesDrop Dead Gorgeous Onyx Skull EarringsWingding (phase one)Kottan Bell 2nd GenDashing Gentleman Ruby TieMidnight Black Sweet Lace Mary-JanesSatin HairbowGimpi 4th gen.Celebrity MiniskirtMidnight Black Sweet Lace Alice Bow#0000FF Complex ShirtWhich one???
My Journal
Just some random stuff I guess, poems mostly... made by me or other poets...lyrics to some of my fav songs(coming soon!)...blah blah blah...so yeah...read them I think they're interesting XD
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