
The Name's Brittany. learn it you'll be screaming it later.lmao.I'm not special just original.I've Got some real good friends. And I love them probably more than I love my Family.I live in a small town.it's a ******** hick town but like a always say"i don't ******** anybody in my own bloodline". But i'm getting out of here Soon.Europe here i come! I'm nice to pretty much everybodywho's anybody. Unless you piss me off then we have a problem.I always get want i want. I'm Blunt, If I don't like you, You'll know. I don't care what you think of me, So think away. Immature names don't affect me. But if you'd like to try, go right on ahead. Leave the lables to the soup cans. I'm NOT Pretty so don't waste your time trying to tell me I am. I'm random. really random. I can make anybody laugh. COWGASM! I like love to laugh with my friends. I don't understand StarWars yet I own a light saber. I get bored often. I'm amused easily. I miss the days when you could dance around to the Flinstones.And not get called a Freak for it. I have alot of 'friends', But only a few True ones.Like Danielle & Marissa,ofcorse. You probably wont ever see me without My eye-liner on. I hate when my hair isn't strait. I heart Tim Burton Films. I'll probably be adding more to this later but this is it for now♥
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Viewing 5 of 5 comments.

-The Inner Geek-

Report | 05/01/2010 6:19 pm

-The Inner Geek-

hai thur
don't mind me, i'm just creeping

Report | 03/27/2006 3:33 pm


niice profile b***h
An Epic of A Time Wasted

Report | 03/20/2006 9:30 pm

An Epic of A Time Wasted

That my friend is a bit complicated. You have to be able to make a layout yourself to do that. It's all about knowing what you are doing really..

An Epic of A Time Wasted

Report | 03/14/2006 7:05 pm

An Epic of A Time Wasted

I made it myself. Can't get it anywhere.


Report | 03/10/2006 1:43 pm


f somebody by the name *dvorak@yahoo.com* adds you dont accept it. its a virus. tell everyone on ur bulletin because if somebody on ur list adds them then you get the virus too. tell everyone on your list not to open anything from angel11, tewwtuler and sassybitch. its a hard drive killer and a very horrible virus. if you dont pass this letter to everyone on your buddy list, we will delete your account. we need to find out who is really behind this. ok

my friend sent me this ok

