
Hello~! Welcome to my page everyone. =]

What to say... >_<
--Asian. Chinese if you want to get technical.
--I'm quite interested in Korean culture. Music, dramas, movies, clothes, trends, etc...
--Number 1 biases: G-Dragon & Jessica.
--Smart child. Straight A's. Nerd.
--I fit the typical Asian stereotype.
--And then there are all the other details that you don't need to know about me. =P

Want to get to know me a bit more? Or maybe you just want to chat? Feel free to add me, PM me or just say something anonymously on Formspring: SKHuang. Especially if you're a fan of K-Pop or an Asian, go find the add button & press it. XD

Now here are the facts that you didn't have to scroll down to see in case they weren't important to you. XP
--I have a HUGE, VERY HUGE p***s, JOKING obsession with little kids. It's not even funny. I've started crying when I've thought about how I don't have a kid or baby to take care of and love. Ah, it kills me inside.
--If you didn't get the clue from the above statement, I am slightly a perverted child. XD
--Moving on... I also have an obsession with dogs although I don't have any. It's not as bad as my obsession with children but I will still cry if I think about it hard enough.
--Currently, I have a interest in rappers, b-boys & break dancers, fitted hats, Asian fobs, ulzzangs, circle lenses, OH AND ASIAN TOMBOYS.
--Now the interest in rappers came just a couple months ago and I fell in love with any of the rappers in Korean groups like Brave Brothers, Mir, Eunhyuk, Junhyung, Simon D. etc... I have to say I suck at rapping although I haven't gotten the opinion of anyone since I don't do it anywhere except in my house. =D Even if I suck, it's hobby I'm going to keep up because it's extremely fun.
--B-boys & break dancers just steal my heart with their moves. I really wish I could b-boy. Perhaps I'll take up classes?
---Have you seen the fitted Hello Kitty hats?? OHMYGOSH.
--Asians fobs are just so cute, don't you think? ;D They always put a smile on my face. =)
--Ulzzangs. Pretty little things there are. They're where I got my interest in circle lenses from.
--ASIAN TOMBOYS! Props to them for looking SO FINE as the opposite gender.

That's about all for now. Hit me up if you find me weird interesting. Friends we'll become, alright? *Thumbs up* No? No thumbs up? Okay... *Head down*


Ooo, a dream avi.

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Total Value: 6,323,215 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Silver Laurels
Beat Slim Black Shoes
Satin Hairbow
Tsunami KO Classic Gloves
Neutral Starter Urban Girl Pants
Prince Antoine
Rainy Day
Momoiro Chugakko Uniform Vest
Checkered Nightmare
mr. emotion
Fallen Wish 9th Gen.



Stuff I Think About At Night



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Adora-fy Heart

Report | 10/17/2010 5:50 am

Adora-fy Heart

it's alright, since school gets everyone all busy. > ~ >;;
OMG, a road trip with friends would be amazing though nobody would go with me - yeah everyone's more like the 'city' girl type here. .____. Here comes a lonely venture out into the world for me~ </3
I probably have seen that one somewhere, &it's have the time that I remember the titles of the hk dramas too. Wowser, you know alot of the current hk actors. o ___ o! Srly, I can only recognize them by face, Linda Chung can sing too. Didn't she have a duet with Raymond Lam ?
Ahh, I'm not too sure of he would be considered an actual "artist", it's like one of those random voice-overs in the intro. of an upbeat song. LOL
Teehee, I'm like called a ***** by my friends at that place - I adore this lito kid who really really looks like that guy who got a crush on me, but in little kid form.! Soo... cute. OMG, I'm like a *****.... x . x;;
Nahh, tbh, it's not all that awesome as you fantasize, really. ^^;; I could find the korean place where you get classes there soo.... couldnt take korean - but I'm slowly learning through an online course guide. It's hard to balance time for learning korean. T ^ T
It's like a uni where you get to "adopt" ?? your own japanese foreign exchange student. They're all college girl students. You basically get them to hang with you our you can hang with them in the dorms. :3
(( sorry for xtremely long reply, dind't realize how much I can talk sometimes. > _____ > ))
Witty Insult

Report | 10/11/2010 4:31 pm

Witty Insult

Does the code go for classic or current?
Witty Insult

Report | 10/11/2010 4:26 pm

Witty Insult

Thank you so much[:
I'll give 10k[:
Witty Insult

Report | 10/05/2010 11:43 am

Witty Insult

Umm yeah you might not know me but
I like your profile so i was wondering if you can give me the code and
i'll give you about 20-60k
How about it?
Adora-fy Heart

Report | 09/11/2010 1:34 pm

Adora-fy Heart

Haha, do you think the states would be one of the places on your list ? xD
Whoa. Dang. I did not see that coming. eek
Asian JS.... that's sketchy but I'll def. see what it's all about. Is it on MTV or something too ?

Ohh, is DIE Again a new drama ? Hmmm, I don't think so. I just know a bit of Raymond Lam, like some of his ballad songs. Linda Chung & some other actress I don't know the name of. >>;; Hbu - any favs. ?
Seungyeon has a pretty smile - she's so pure~ Really ? xD The dude at the beginning made me crack up esp. when I think he said "something something baby" ? Do you know what's his name ?
Yeah, so I just started school. I don't think I'll be as active now on Gaia since I planning so much this year. Everyday I have 2 studies so... hw isn't gonna schoolwork now.! I hoping to do things afterschool among them are: working at a children's center with my "brother", taking korean outside school (though I'm taking japanese in school), become a member to a japanese institution, and working as the school's newspaper designer. @ _____ @!
Adora-fy Heart

Report | 09/06/2010 7:09 pm

Adora-fy Heart

Awhh, I would of begged my dad to buy me a CD. &I've never begged for anything before. xDD Yeah.. I wish I had relatives from there, but since I don't I probably won't ever be able to get here.
I wish my state had a koreantown.! I didn't know there was sucha thing as korean town, tbh. ^^;; Um, no - I don't watch any korean dramas or those reality shows like Strong Heart &stuff... my first reality korean show was HB for SHINee &another
earlier show SHINee did about dating noonas~
Ohh, I see~ Well I watch HK since forever, but they are in vietnamese dub. My whole family doesn't like korean drama since they are just too emotional & "young" compared to HK dramas. I just finished 'When Lanes Merge', what drama are you on ? o:
Hehe, if SHINee were ever dating I would be so broken hearted&jealous but like you, I would be happy for them. :3

Mmmhmm, Hara looks like a doll. <3 Yeah did you listen to their latest Me2 ? I think that's what's it call...
Sort of... I was listening to this video of Genie with the L speaker being sung in korean & the R one japanese... so 'sort of' xD
Adora-fy Heart

Report | 09/05/2010 10:05 pm

Adora-fy Heart

Holy smackaronee, you saw korean pop CDs ?! I've never ever seen one irl before. O . O;; LOL
Ohh, you can understand korean ? :{D Ohh heyy, I watch HK drama too. My dad's watching one right at this moment haha.
Wowser, middle school sweet hearts ? That's so romantic in a way~
Isn't Lady Jane the gal in their mv, of Supreme Team - Dang (3x)
That's what my friend said about Echo too. I'm not into cute songs too much... but I like KARA. I think they're like the origin of korean cuteness. c: Is Dear Mom, a slow ballad song ? I remember hearing it but I forgot the melody ; - ; Hmmm, I just realized that the song Genie is still on my phone... everytime I hear it, I just imagine their mv... pshhh, gorgeous LEGs Generation. > 3>;;
I was thinking that too - like they have to have a live broadcast on TV pleaseee gonk
I was on allkpop yesterday until it was over... I went to the forums &I go to listen to the concert abit from someone who posted a link in a topic. UNFORTUNATELY - I tuned in too late listening to the finale when they threw the confetti. I missed SHINee's Lucifer.... my life is incomplete... -sobs in the corner-
I hope they do a world tour going to at least two places in the states & where you live too.! :{DD -gleeglee-
Adora-fy Heart

Report | 09/05/2010 8:01 pm

Adora-fy Heart

I really want to give them support too. But for now, gotta rely on the internet & a credit card to get a hold on their CD. Dx
Do you listen to taiwanese music from time to time ? o:
Last time when I went on allkpop, I saw Se7en's girlfriend... &omg... she was really pretty. Together, they look like the perfect couple like in a drama.!

Ohh, yeah. I'm not a crazy fan but their songs are on my playlist. I like their songs: Run Devil Run & Echo the most. Hbu ?
-sigh- Did you get to see anything about the SM town concert in LA yesterday? I was so sad that day... I'm like SHINee's only time in the states.! &I can't go see them along with the other popular artists. TT ^ TT
x p a p e r b o a t

Report | 09/03/2010 2:31 pm

x p a p e r b o a t

/fangirlmoment. <3

Gdragons pretty cool , but seung ri is AMAZINGG ;D
Adora-fy Heart

Report | 09/01/2010 7:57 pm

Adora-fy Heart

Yeah... I love all of SHINee's album. I liked the A.mi.go. album the most. I would make SHINee's album the first kpop album I'd buy. > . <
They are the best... I love all their songs - their songs so are different, Idk how to explain but I just love them so much. <3
Btw, I started listening to Se7en's I'm going crazy. It sounds really cool. -thumbs up-
Ohh, I see. I'm not too familiar with the SNSD's member's names. ^^;;
Hahaha, loved that part.~ my fav. part was when jonghyun was just walking into the house as they were planning for the surprise party. Suddenly one of the candles was out &then there was Minho's random helping hand. xD
When jonghyun smiled as they jumped out, I felt my heart skip a beat. It was the sweetest smile~


Ooo, look below. O.o
A dream avi. =)

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