
vote for my friend in the arena!
<~Back_Fire~ <<'this guys an a**. give him 1s in the avatar arena.

Shikamaru is an extremely unenthusiastic person, and as such lives his life avoiding work. This is partly due to seeking paths of least resistance, as he often chooses to do things he would otherwise not do if people nag him enough. His plans on life reflect this aspect of his personality, as he plans to be an average ninja making an average salary, and retire once his children become independent. In his free time he typically takes naps, watches clouds, and plays strategy games such as Shogi and Go. When put into a situation where he potentially needs to put effort into something, he attempts to try to find a way to avoid it such as forfeiting a battle or by pretending to be preoccupied with something else. In the instances where he can't avoid these situations, Shikamaru tends to remark "how troublesome" (めんどくせぇ, mendokusē?, English TV "what a drag") or "(such) a pain". He is fully aware of this side of his personality, even dubbing himself "the number one at running away".

Despite his cowardly tendencies, Shikamaru is extremely intelligent. Asuma, wondering why Shikamaru was always able to beat him at Shogi and Go despite receiving abysmal grades at the Academy, disguised an IQ test as a series of puzzles to see how smart Shikamaru really was. In doing so, Asuma found Shikamaru to have an IQ of over 200, and learned that Shikamaru's poor grades were a result of him finding lifting a pencil to be too much work for him. Nevertheless, Shikamaru works very well with his teammates as their fathers were teamed together in their youth as well. Of his teammates, Shikamaru is closest with Choji, who repays Shikamaru's confidence in him with unyielding loyalty to Shikamaru. Shikamaru also has a strong bond with Asuma, often spending time with him playing strategy games. He even vows to protect Asuma and Kurenai's unborn child for Asuma's sake.

One of Shikamaru's more distinctive characteristics is that he finds all women to be bossy and "a pain". He also often discusses how women ought to act. This viewpoint seems to be largely due to his mother's tyrannical personality, though also seems to be influenced by his father's identical view of women. Contrary to this opinion on women, he has expressed a notably mature interest in marriage and raising a family with one son and one daughter. Ironically, Shikamaru seems to constantly find himself surrounded by the very same strong-willed and bossy women he dislikes. In addition to his own mother, and being Ino's teammate. He usually ends up fighting against such females.

Shikamaru has had a number of his appearances coincide with those of Temari. The two face each other during the final matches of the Chunin Exams. Shikamaru has a chance to claim victory in this match, but he forfeits the match instead, having run low on chakra. Temari later comes to his aid during the Sasuke Retrieval arc and defeats Tayuya of the Sound Four to save him. Shikamaru returns the favor in the last of the anime's filler arcs and saves her from one of the Shiitenshounin. In addition, the two are seen together in their Part II debuts. In this instance, Naruto Uzumaki asks if the two are on a date, though both state that this is not the case. Temari ranks as one of the women he finds most troublesome, along with Ino and his mother.


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Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

x-Sasuke Sound Ninja-x

Report | 08/25/2009 6:34 pm

x-Sasuke Sound Ninja-x

Hey shikamaru.......im trying to get as many friends that look like any naruto character so please accept my friend request
iTemari Desert Rose

Report | 08/08/2009 10:24 am

iTemari Desert Rose

Wow Nice Cosplay O.O

Report | 03/25/2009 7:30 pm


hey shikamaru whats up

Report | 03/25/2009 7:29 pm


hey shikamaru whats up
iBroken Sasuke

Report | 03/07/2009 6:27 pm

iBroken Sasuke

add me

Report | 02/02/2009 1:32 pm


ur avi is great

Report | 12/31/2008 9:58 am


When did i ever add you....? User Image

Report | 12/22/2008 12:35 pm


K a i t i e K a w a i i

Report | 11/19/2008 7:27 pm

K a i t i e K a w a i i

luv your avi

Report | 10/04/2008 5:28 pm


yo whats up shika