= = Miss Sohma = =

ShaynaSohma's avatar

Last Login: 03/09/2016 10:03 pm

Registered: 06/07/2007

Gender: Female

Birthday: 08/10

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= = Me = =

                          /// You really want to know me, well I guess that's why you're reading this. Whatever. I'm Shayna Christean. I'm fifteen. I'm sarcastic, moody, aggressive, and smart. I'm a sailor, thus I cuss a lot. I know what it's like to be ******** over and thus don't trust people. I trust maybe two people. Unless recently I've told you "Hey you know, I trust you with my life", then you're not one of those two people. I've decided I'm no longer taking anybody's s**t. I'm gonna tell you how it is and you're going to like it. If not, get over it, the world doesn't revolve around you. I do believe that everyone has their special person, except me. I'm really not worth going out on a limb for. But if you seem interested, just come talk to me. I don't bite strangers. I am who I am so if you don't like me, sucks to be you because you're missing out.

                          Now for the favourites. My favourite colours are mostly shades such as black & white, silver, gray, etc. I also like hot pink. My favourite food is probably spaghetti. It's delicious and it's easy to cook. Favourite shows are Adventure Time & That 70's Show. Favourite bands, Three Days Grace, Escape the Fate, Nevershoutnever!, We Came as Romans, & Her Bright Skies. My favourite movies are Little Miss Sunshine Howl's Moving Castle, Scott Pilgrim vs. The World, The Nitemare before Christmas & Kiki's Delivery Service.

                          The place I want to travel to the most is England. I love the country, the weather, the places, the people, everything. It's a beautiful country. I want to visit London, Brighton, and eventually move to Eastbourne, a town in East Sussex the overlooks the ocean. It's a wonderful place, I think.

                          Umm. I play guitar. Not very good yet, but eventually I want to rock every stage in Europe with a band I want to start as the bassist and possibly a singer. I have an accoustic but it's tiny, just like me. As of right now, I can play three songs. Never Too Late, The Only Exception, & Rocking Around the Christmas Tree. I know the beginning of a couple songs but that basically it, besides my music book.

= = = Playlist = = =

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