
hm. About me? Sure.

I look exactly like I do in my avatar. Really, horns and all. I even wear that skirt and top combination everyday and dyed my hair purple. And the coffee cup? It is positioned the way it is to show the end of my coffee addiction!

Just to show you all that we are our avatars. Really.


If you believed me, I am greatly saddened by your lack of faith in my sanity.

Right! I am your regular Fanfic addict. I'm mostly orientated to Harry Potter, but I'm also fond of the anime fandoms of Inuyasha, Naruto, and Trigun. Of course, I dabble just about everywhere.

I'm currently out of school for medical reasons, returning for my final year in the fall. I am seventeen years old, with a December birthday and have yet to sort out my priorties in life. I am, however, about to get a dog. Yay!


Did you even have a doubt? Eh. It's possible. ^^

If you feel the need to contact me outside of gaia feel free to email. Just add a @yahoo.com to my screen name here. My s/n is also the username of my account on fanfiction.net. "Shobs" is the name of my Ficwad.com account.

And as a final note, yes, my friend (only friend. I feel popular, *snicker*) below is me. Another account derived of a moment where I couldn't remember the correct spelling of my username (dont' ask me how) and created a whole new one as a result.

Shortly after, I remembered. Life's funny that way.


Shobs Thoughts & Journal

Life.. is but a Dream.
... Keep up the good work subconscious of mine!

Random words strung together under the pretences of thought. In other words, what ever happens to happen, happens.


Viewing 1 of 1 comments.


Report | 11/30/2005 10:57 am


i like it!


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"Lying to ourselves is more deeply ingrained than lying to others."
Fyodor Dostoyevsky (1821-1881)