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Hi and welcome to Lamia's profile! ^^

First, let me introduce myself:

Name: Lamia Sptlac (my fake name)
Age: 17

Now, I'll post some of my favorite things:

Food: between pepperoni pizza and angel food cake
TV show: I'd have to pick "America's Next Top Model" and Trinity Blood. The stuff I usually watch are mostly anime and reality shows.
Artist/band: It definitely has to be Evanescence. I just can't stop playing their CD's over and over again! xD
Drink: hmm....I'd have to go with Dairy Queen's drink: Kiwi Strawberry Splash. It's very delicious! ^^
Shoe Brand: Vans. They're very comfortable for my feet.
Perfume: I love the smell of Britney Spears': Curious perfume. Say all you want 'cause I'm used to all the insane comments. >.<;
Movie: I have several favorites: Underworld, Phantom of the Opera, and Lord of the Rings: Two Towers. You could say that I'm a huge fan of fantasy films. ;D
Book: hmm.....Something besides manga..........*lightbulb over head* 'The Babysitter 2' by R.L. Stine! ^^
Store in the Mall: Tough decision between Hot Topic and Gifts from Afar. Hot Topic has the best clothing and accessories but, Gifts from Afar has a bunch of beautiful decorative items from the most popular countries. XD
Internet Site: Gaia, of course! ^.-

Well.....That's me! ^^; I don't like to share all of this personal information, but it's worth it for all of you Gaians who want to know me better! ;D
Oh! And my other interests are on this page, too! So, read them after you read this! ^^

Trying to figure out why people invented Ugg boots and trading cards......I remain,
Lamia heart
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Viewing 3 of 3 comments.


Report | 03/11/2007 12:56 pm


Nice profile i'm a Final Fantasy fanboy ^_^

Report | 03/07/2007 6:27 pm


hi, i like the music C:

Report | 03/07/2007 4:38 pm


Nice profile. smile


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Tidus and Yuna make a lovely couple, don't they? ^^