Hello there welcome to my profile!
What's my name? Well that's simple, I go as Squee, Aki, Yowluv, and Sarc ^^
A few things about me would be that I am head of the art department in R.C.P.F.C (random club people find club.....club.) Which shows you right there I love to draw. I also enjoy RPing, especially with Blakie and Genki ^^ I love anime, and Jrock. I also really suck at profile about me's can you tell? I go to Wright State University because I want to eventually learn japanese and become an animator mwahaha. I get obsessed real easily over anime characters, just ask my friends ^^;; Right now it's Renji and Goku from Saiyuki...well I've always had one on Goku since I've watched Saiyuki in 6th or 7th grade, it's just picked back up aha. Which I may be going as him to Ohayocon....no I WILL go as him ^^ Last ones I've gone to I have been Grell and Yuna (Summoner) heheh.
Friends of mine! Blakie- We are so alike, Genki - we have our own window I swear aha(two peas in a pod!), Stefiera - helps make me creative heh, Cloudstar- one thing to say: "oh em gee she so did not boss me around did she?" lmao so funny
A manga for RCPFC made by me and Genki....Plus help from other members.^^
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