
I'm Sara. smile
I've been on Gaia since April 14,2006.
Tom Delonge, Mark Hoppus, and Travis Barker are my heroes.
Blink-182 changed my life.
Top 5 Favourite Bands:

2.All Time Low
3.Family Force 5
4.Cobra Starship
5.Owl City

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And I'm also from Australia.
and my favorite colours are black and purple. I pretty much love every color but yellow and puke green and brown.





Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 12/10/2008 5:35 pm


Haha! Also, I just noticed that Bella's initials are BS. That girl is total BS after a while. xD She was good in the first book, but as I kept reading about her, she began to irritate me.

Report | 12/10/2008 5:32 pm


Dx Ew, it's Edward.

Report | 12/04/2008 2:32 pm


Haha, that's what she said. xP Personally, I think Book Two: Jacob is the best, up to chapter 21 anyway. I still haven't read past that.

Report | 12/03/2008 5:01 pm


It's not my fault that the last book is poorly written. I think it's taken me longer to read this book than reading all of the three first books together. The second and third books are the best, in my own opinion. Anyway, I'm on chapter 21 now. It'll be a while until I actually finish this book. It's just not that good. The movie will be pretty interesting, though. With all the blood, it should be rated R.

Report | 11/23/2008 5:03 pm


Amazing? .. Sara, you've got to watch some more movies. It was on the Okay to Great scale. Amazing says a little too much. They did pretty good for a low budget, though. Anyway, it turned out better than I thought. Of course Emmett's a jock. He's strong, woman! And I know Jasper's dirty little secret.. it's not really his hair! Don't you remember him as Jackson, the Disney 411 kid? C'mon, he was awesome! Dx No, you can't borrow Eclipse, but not for the reason you'd think. I would let you borrow it, but I can seem to find the first three Twilight books. I know where Breaking Dawn is because I'm still trying to read it (a big disappointment, in my own opinion. I got the book at a Midnight party and I'm STILL on Jake's point of view.) All I know is that it HAS to be in the garage somewhere because we still have a lot of boxes in there from when we moved, but you know what? That's A LOT of boxes, so either you keep waiting to borrow it, or you find another way to get a hold of the books.
Ze Waffle

Report | 10/13/2008 7:03 pm

Ze Waffle

Or have I? *strikes thoughtful position* Hmm...
Ze Waffle

Report | 10/13/2008 2:35 pm

Ze Waffle

of course it's not silly! i've been lying to you for 4 years so i could get presents in april! o-O lol

Report | 10/10/2008 2:31 pm


You don't get very many comments, do you, Sara? Tsk, tsk, tsk. =x

Report | 08/06/2008 3:59 pm



Report | 08/05/2008 5:16 pm


Alright, can't wait! .. But where's that picture, Sara? Lol. If I don't get a picture, I'm not going to believe it. I hope you know that. It's like that Chelsea Staub situation. They were holding hands. *sarcasm* Oh noez! Because co-stars can't get to know each other! xD


Hey. I'm S3RG3R.
I like pie.
I make signs. Fo free.
go to mah shop.
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