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gothgatewolf's avatar

Report | 09/09/2009 12:00 am


what in the world is a kobold? I have played a barbarian on a video game. It was actually fun hacking and slashing. I'm not really good at being a thief, not my nature. My kids laugh at me cause I always play a good guy. I actually played a neutral once, that was hard. Chaotic confuses me, not really sure how to play it.
gothgatewolf's avatar

Report | 09/08/2009 11:42 pm


I understand about being cooped up. I am a housewife and homeschooler. There are days when Walmart is exciting...lol. I liked playing humans and elves. I played either mages or archers, I really don't know why. I guess I didn't mind the fighting, but I would rather not do it hand to hand. I never felt like I was pious enough to play a cleric.
gothgatewolf's avatar

Report | 09/08/2009 11:24 pm


Sometimes a smaller group is more fun. When I used to play D&D, it was harder to organize schedules and such, so our bigger group actually ended up playing less. If you like the people in the group, and you like where it is going, don't mess with it.
gothgatewolf's avatar

Report | 09/08/2009 11:15 pm


Its a really great concept. Sometimes when I hit a slump, I go to other stuff I'm working on. It gives your mind a break and sometimes you come up with the solution to your slump. It's like your just too focused on it, so taking a break from it refreshes your mind. I often have up to 10 different projects going on at once. When I hit a standstill on one, I move on to the next. This keeps me from getting too stale. Did you know that DaVinci did that too? Not that I am in any way comparing myself to him..lol.
gothgatewolf's avatar

Report | 09/08/2009 10:55 pm


That is totally wicked! You have a very vivid imagination, very fertile!
gothgatewolf's avatar

Report | 09/08/2009 10:50 pm


That is a very interesting take on the four. I have not really read much about them in any of my other reading. Well I heard about them in a bible study once, a LONG time ago. I really like your take on them. Why did you not go opposte with War....you know like a peace loving hippy..lol
gothgatewolf's avatar

Report | 09/08/2009 10:42 pm


Like those poor starved animals they show on animal planet. I swear I can't watch the damn channel anymore. I've seen a starved horse once...the skin was hanging off of its haunches. That is what I think of when you say horse of famine.
gothgatewolf's avatar

Report | 09/08/2009 10:15 pm


Lol...I think we also have two different messages going at the same time. No worries, I am making veggie soup, so I keep writing, then leaving, then comming back. I am also playing booty grab in another tab.
gothgatewolf's avatar

Report | 09/08/2009 9:40 pm


Sounds like your muses are in overdrive! Or you've had too many Caf-Pows...lol!
gothgatewolf's avatar

Report | 09/08/2009 9:32 pm


Well I might just have to go on an adventure browsing through the pages....hmm a poet too. Well it takes one to know one. I am often too shy to post them, as they might really stink!! Are you always this boisterous sir?
gothgatewolf's avatar

Report | 09/08/2009 9:21 pm


Well now that depends on which twin is out tonight, she smirks, setting down her bloody mary. I feel so dirty reading others journals...
gothgatewolf's avatar

Report | 09/08/2009 9:06 pm


Well your very welcome! How are you doing on this fine evening?
gothgatewolf's avatar

Report | 09/08/2009 7:58 pm


I REALLY liked your playlist! I had never heard the Volcanoids before...I like them! I also enjoyed your tek teks!
Nyadriel's avatar

Report | 09/08/2009 3:20 am


With your sense of humor, you and your girl would have a very happy life together. I am certain of it!
Nyadriel's avatar

Report | 09/08/2009 3:01 am


Girl puberty sucks for us even more. TRUST me!!

I was born with a defective heart. But you are right, that despite the problems it is strong. Trouble is, I am stronger than it. At my age, I have beaten most of the odds where I might not have survived. Death has been a friend rather than an enemy though. It is patient. I can maybe hang around another 20 years truth be told. People who make me laugh help a lot. Laughter is good medicine.

Hubby and I are fat too. And he did not marry me for my looks either.
As for being a "child" when grown up is not a bad thing. Trust me there too. It is another reason why I am still here. Its the truth behind the "longevity" thing. But one does have to mature. Otherwise we end up bearing young that have no sense of maturity whatsoever.
Nyadriel's avatar

Report | 09/08/2009 2:31 am


True strength comes from within. "Fit to survive" doesnt always mean physically. Smarts is what counts in many ways and it appears that you've got it.

My husband used to be somewhat like you. Unfortunately, he didnt "grow up" like I had hoped he would. He got selfish. And he isnt really handsome. I didnt marry for looks or money. That is not what is important. But he does still have some good qualities. Just wish he would concentrate on them more. We still have our good times though. We both LOVE and enjoy Ren Faires for example. Oh and a stable enviroment is always a good thing. And my husband is a good provider.
As for our son (only one child as I have a major heart problem and risked my life having him) is as what I said in my profile. He is in his third year of collage and wants to be an engineer. My hopes is that I will live long enough to see him marry and have his own children. This is what I have been looking foreward to since I was 15.
Nyadriel's avatar

Report | 09/08/2009 1:48 am


Why do we get all "hot under the collar" when guy looks at another girl? Weeellll...

"am I not good enough?" "just how many babies are there gonna be with how many other women?"

and that sort of thing. Plus we dont like feeling like we are being abandoned. We go in it for the LOOOONNNG haul, whereas guys are usually "on the fly" short term. So many of you dont think 10 gens down the road like we do. We fantasize and dream but are less likely to act on it (we are only looking for qualities that appeal to us when it comes to creating the new gens yet to come) and go looking for it in you (comparisons so we can seek it out in you and work on making it stronger) whereas guys tend to "think with something other than their brains" and looking at us on the OUTSIDE. And then guys get mad when we dont wanna "do" because you wanna after seeing a "hot chick". We cannot be "her". We can only "be".

Guys call it jealousy, but its an in-grained genetic memory thing we have had to live with for millions of years because guys just have not done anything to dissuade those feelings too well if at all. Many women still get let down and hurt. It sucks.
And this only includes women who are educated and have some self-respect. Obviously your girl can be described as intelligent and self-respecting. And she sees something good in you.
Nyadriel's avatar

Report | 09/08/2009 1:04 am


You should chill and just be yourself. There are probably things she appreciates about you. I think you are just scared. (usually the reason and it causes a guy to be a jerk in the end)

and as for the thinking... its a good thing. But maybe you go in the wrong direction or think a bit too much in one direction that you make the wrong conclusions.
Nyadriel's avatar

Report | 09/07/2009 11:51 pm



Well, you wooed me quite well into being your friend. So I am considering adding your avatar to my profile (maybe as jester?)

Anyway, I am certain you will succeed in your attempts in your Knighthood.
What is it you are looking for?
Nyadriel's avatar

Report | 09/07/2009 11:41 pm


You totally make me laugh! blaugh
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