
Name: Rowena
AgE: 17!!! LeGaL iN 2 MoNtHs BaBy!!!
i WaS BoRn AnD rAiSeD On kAuAi...My LiFe StArTeD On NoV. 21, 1990...LiFe FrOm ThEn On HaS BeeN RoUgH FoR mE...BuT i PuT Up WiTh iT aLL...aNd i'M sTiLL hErE...YaY!!! i HaVe BeeN tHrOuGh a LoT oF uPs AnD dOwNs iN mY LiFe....AnD i CoNsTaNtLy WiLL Be...BuT i MaKe ThE BeSt Of iT...i Am A vErY LaiD BaCk gUrL...aNd i OnLy WaNt ThE bEsT iN LiFe...AnD i WoN't sEttLe FoR LeSS...LoVe...wHat iS iT.....nO oNe rEaLLy KnOwS....UnLeSS tHeY'vE ExPeRiEnCeD iT....BuT tO me LoVe Is sOmEtHiNg ThAt ShOuLd NoT Be TaKeN FoR GrAnTeD....Or Be TaMpErEd WiTh...LoVe iSn'T JuSt AbOUT sHaRiNg LaUgHs AnD GooD TiMeS...iTs AbOuT PuLLiNg ThRoUgH FoR EaCh OtHeR WhEn ThE gOiNg GeTs RoUgH aNd NeVeR GiViNg Up EvEn WhEn OtHeRs DoNt tHiNk ThAt YoU'LL MaKe iT.....LoVe iS a fRiEnDsHiP oN FiRe...ThE OnLy WaY iT cOuLd Go OuT iS iF YoU Or ThE oThEr PeRsOn LoSeS TrUsT Or FaiTh....To Me FaiTh iS a GiFt...No OnE iS bOrN WiTh it...OuR BrAiNs WaNt EvErYtHiNg sPeLLeD OuT FoR Us...We WaNt PrOoF Of sOmEtHiNg BeFoRe We BeLiEvE iN iT...FaiTh iS TrUsTiNg iN wHaT YoU cAn'T See Or ToUcH...FaiTh iS bEiNg ChaNgEd FrOm A PeRsOn WhO mUsT HaVe tHiNgS PrOvEd To A PeRsOn WhO aCCePtS tHe UnPrOvAbLe As TrUe AnD rEaL...ThAt'S a BiG LeAp FoR a LoT oF PeOpLe...AnD a LeAp ThAt OnLy GOD CaN aCCoMpLiSh By FaiTh...BeFoRe GoD GoT To Me...i WaS PrEttY DiFFeReNt...i GoT iN tRoUbLe A LoT...i DrOvE My PaReNtS CrAzY....BuT OnCe GoD cHaNgEd Me...i FeLt LiKe SoMe FiRe WaS LiViNg iNsiDe Me...i WaNtEd To Do sOmEtHiNg FoR me...sOmEtHiNg FoR OtHeRs...ThE tRoUbLe WaS ThAt No OnE HaD BeLiEvEd i HaD ChAnGeD...i'Ve MeT a LoT Of PeOpLe WhO FeeL tHe SaMe WaY...i WaNtEd To Do sOmEtHiNg WiTh My LiFe...NoT JuSt FoR ThE PeOpLe On EaRtH BuT fOr GoD tOO...NoT tHaT He NeeDs HeLp FrOm Me...BuT iT FeeLs GooD To Do sOmEtHiNg FoR HiM aFtEr He DiD sO MuCh FoR Me...i Go To A ChUrCh CaLLeD KiNg'S ChAPeL...i'M gLaD ThaT i Go To ChUrCh...LiKe i SaiD...i WaNt To Do sOmEtHiNg WiTh My LiFe....AnD NoT JuSt WaStE iT...BuT tHaTs KiNdA HaRd To Do CuZ No OnE BeLiEvEs ThAt i'Ve ChAnGeD...aNd WhEn No OnE BeLiEvEs iN YoU YoU GeT To BeLiEviNg ThAt ThEy ArE RiGhT...AnD LaSt BuT NoT LeAsT...i WaNt To ThANk GoD...FoR bLeSSiNg Me WiTh A FaMiLy, A HoMe, SoMe fRiEnDs, AnD i Am EsPeCiaLLy tHaNkFuLL tHaT GoD SuRRoUnDeD Me WiTh PeOpLe ThAt LoVe AnD CaRE FoR Me!!!


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Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 10/06/2008 4:02 pm



Report | 10/03/2008 6:36 pm


awww, thats a pooper.
I'm sorry.
and no prob. biggrin

Report | 10/02/2008 6:37 pm


Wait im so confused right now.
You didn't graduate from high school?
but aren't you my age, 17?
and OH! I love your profile by the way! Very nice. biggrin

Report | 10/01/2008 8:37 pm


yea, it's a bad habit and flaw...
which might get me not so far if this keeps up and i don't anything about it. XD

Report | 10/01/2008 12:01 pm


your welcome

Report | 09/30/2008 7:46 pm


about the same.
I have homework and i should do it, but i wont.
Sheesh, im such a slacker and procrastinator.

Report | 09/30/2008 7:02 pm


So what's been going on lately?
Abandoned Account 3

Report | 09/30/2008 3:08 pm

Abandoned Account 3

I started today with 60 now I got 312 ^_^ only been a couple hours >.> you do both at one time and who knows.
Abandoned Account 3

Report | 09/30/2008 3:05 pm

Abandoned Account 3

I mean you hunt the low prices and then sell them as best you can for more than you purchased. basic marketing ploy
Abandoned Account 3

Report | 09/30/2008 3:01 pm

Abandoned Account 3

pinball. and puzzles work ^_^ also if you wish to be risky you can do the market hunt with me. It'll net you some surfing gold in the end... but it might be profitable.


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