
For those of you who don't know, ReverseTheJellyBaby was originally a secondary account made for my more...furry? Young and horny? One of those sides. In any case, I made her because I had friends on Gaia that were friends in real life that I knew probably wouldn't think too highly of that side of me. So for the past two years I've been juggling two different accounts, and, quite frankly, I am tired of it. And since those friends of mine are no longer on Gaia, I see no point in keeping two accounts. Since the other account is older, and was my first Gaia account, I will be merging ReverseJelly into it.

So, anyone who wants to continue to be my friend please go send a friend request to "rosexknight" I will of course accept it. I may also send (or try to) most of you friend requests anyway, but I figured I'd send the PM to everyone just in case I missed someone.

Thank you!!

-- ReverseJelly


Viewing 12 of 20 friends


Journal of Impossible Things

My fursonas and art that I collect. Later it will probably include some drabbles as well but for now it is pretty basic.


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Glitched Cannibal

Report | 07/05/2013 7:16 am

Glitched Cannibal

Hello miss
I am commenting as a fairly simple reminded that as part of the dark legion
You are required to be active (We appreciate it since we love to keep our guild alive)
Now, I wish no offense or any harm.
Look around if you wish- or post something new to start a new conversation<3
Just as long as you keep your post organized (or rather in the right area they belong)
There won't be any quarrels <3
Thank you for being part of our growing legion <3
Cythe Bloodryne

Report | 03/21/2013 4:04 pm

Cythe Bloodryne

it can't be that bad
Cythe Bloodryne

Report | 03/21/2013 12:38 pm

Cythe Bloodryne

lol you are down with the sickness
Cythe Bloodryne

Report | 03/20/2013 6:43 pm

Cythe Bloodryne

How is the art going
Cythe Bloodryne

Report | 03/18/2013 1:37 pm

Cythe Bloodryne

Cythe Bloodryne

Report | 03/18/2013 1:35 pm

Cythe Bloodryne

Let me know how it goes. also i am craving an rp pm me please
Cythe Bloodryne

Report | 03/18/2013 1:32 pm

Cythe Bloodryne

Cythe Bloodryne

Report | 03/18/2013 12:56 pm

Cythe Bloodryne

ok do you just need a ref for both or just me?
Cythe Bloodryne

Report | 03/18/2013 12:50 pm

Cythe Bloodryne

wait are you taking real cash because all i have is gaia gold. I am broke irl. I want a lovey pic of my fursona and Dark Magician Girl
Cythe Bloodryne

Report | 03/18/2013 10:53 am

Cythe Bloodryne

Hey can i ask you for some art?


Random PM's are love! I roleplay too!
~ roleplay info ~
A Caterpie may change into a Butterfree, but the heart that beats inside remains the same.
~Pokemon Roleplay~
~My Fur Affinity~