
Name: Raziel Ayil

Age: Unknown

Height in human form: 5' 9"

Weight in human form: 155

Blood type: NA

Butterflies, Sunbathing, beaches, chasing birds, helping others in anyway he can, Being in cat form, hugging & snuggling, scratching posts, sweets of any kind, Clear sunny days, flower fields or gardens, cat toys, carnivals, lights and shinny objects, confetti.

Rainy days or cold weather in general, being useless or unhelpful, rude or ill mannered people, lying and cheating, cold water, bee's, spiders, wasps, any large bug that can hurt or kill him, being lonely, seeing others sad, lonely, depressed or hurt, loud noises, surprises.

Naive and to trusting of others that often gets him in trouble or in over his head but it never phases him to badly, and always has a smile on his face he loves to be with other and do what he can to help anyone, always polite and never rude.
He is like his friend Sebastian he is a summoned creature but of light rather than dark like Sebastian and there is were there similarity ends because the two could be more opposite, he also has a different owner he is always close by to in case he is needed.


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Viewing 3 of 3 comments.

Anei Nushi

Report | 09/05/2010 10:33 pm

Anei Nushi

cool avi
Nine The Younger

Report | 12/04/2009 8:23 am

Nine The Younger

Genzic Tolliver

Report | 12/04/2009 8:10 am

Genzic Tolliver

Hello un.