
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.Name: Teagan M. Brewster
Age: 15
Sex: Female
Birthday: December 31, 1991
Status: Taken / In love
Orientation: Straight
Occupation: Sophomore in highschool
Weight: 111 lbs
Height: 5 feet 2 inches
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

I'm an easy going girl whom laughs and smiles alittle to much. Even though I get many compliments on my smile I never see a real reason to constantly let it shine. I let myself down to easy, and I honestly think everything terrible that occurs around me is my fault. I'm small and I have a weak heart for people who clearly dont need any sympothy. I say sorry alot but I say it because I mean it. I think I'm growing my hair out, but truth is I'll probaly end up chopping it off. I'm actually a very very nice person and I think its to much work to hate someone, accept for one girl she deserves my full hatred biggrin <3. Drugs are foolish and I've watched so many of my friends whom use to be nice and playful when we were younger, fall to addiction. It kills me though its there fault. I grew up in a small town and with friends whom are considered a close knit family. Though many have changed, but some for the better. Im getting a new gaia account shortly. Ive been a sophomore for almost a whole month and its already flying by. My best friend means everything to me, her name is Mindy and yes we spoon. Writing is such a wonderful talent and I envy anyone who can write well. I wish I had the skill to major english. I believe the college I'm looking for is in Boston.

Myspace: www.myspace.com/xxteagzxx
AIM: twiisted fatee
MSN [used most recently]: teagster11@hotmail.com

Favorites: My favorite things would have to be; Spending time with my friends and boyfriend, listening to music, Nightmare Before Christmas, drawing, creating AMV's, spending some time on the computer, dancing in the rain, taking pictures, paint shop pro 8, anime, fruits and vegetables, Jc Foster, watching movies, dying hair, video games, cuddling, [adult swim], reading, writing stories, my Ipod, my straightener, my DS, things Tim Burton related, scary movies, bright and colorful things, plushies, playing with hands, snowboarding, fuse, deep thinking

Hates: The things I hate would be; hairy chests, Slipknot, people who have terrible taste in music, when people scream at me, Hopeh-Chan, terrible cosplays, touching of my belly button, debate of global warming, staring, when people hang up on you, immaturity [its fine on some standard], being called stupid, bare feet touching me, Abercrombie, feeling lazy, not being able to see my friends or boyfriend, people who think they are "unique", stalkers, crying [I do alot], failure, losing at video games, people who suck at sports, the feeling you need to "out do" someone

    Holy s**t it works?!


Teagans Journal

Comment, Read. Whatever :D



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

x F e t u s

Report | 09/25/2007 7:04 pm

x F e t u s

Attention everyone.

make a long story short:

I've been hacked.

This is my new account so access now in order to talk to me.

Thank you User Image

Sable Rain

Report | 09/21/2007 4:05 pm

Sable Rain

I love how in your hates she is just thrown in there, rofl xDD

Report | 09/16/2007 6:52 pm


dammit teagan! add me to your friends list!!!!

Report | 09/06/2007 3:47 am


i miss you, toooo. a lot. D:

& thanks, you do good, too! <33

Report | 08/22/2007 10:48 pm


thank you. ;D

Report | 07/17/2007 4:30 pm



    I love you so much more. :'}


    Did you have fun? :3


Report | 07/13/2007 9:40 pm




You gotta do the cooking by the book, Teagan. D:<
Eleanor Hubbard

Report | 07/11/2007 10:10 am

Eleanor Hubbard

coolio theme ^.^

Report | 07/10/2007 9:05 pm


gusse who

Report | 07/05/2007 2:28 pm



I'm sorry. He came onto me. ;-;


Who's up for a Roxas sandwhich?
I am
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