
Welcome. I am Light. I love many things; Sushi, poky, joy rides, lovable people, music, art, and most of all Ryuzaki Kun. He is so important to me. Without him, I guess I won't be me now would I? Now...Misa, Misa, Misa...she can be lovable when she wants to, but mostly is a pain. No freedom for me, also she is too over protective. >.<
I love her, and it's strange. Im a sweet guy, and sometimes kind of quiet; but when i'm around people who comfort me, and they love me for me, I can get kind of rowdy and outgoing. I love people. People will judge, people with criticize, people will be people. But little do they know that i dont care about their judgments or what they thing. I am quick, clever, and on top of my game. Do something to hurt me, you will see a completely different side. I do not like people that hurt others, or put others down. Everyone deserves to be loved, for love has no color, or gender. <3

Love me? I love you too.

Hate me?...I dont care...

Want to be like me? Im happy to be your role model.

Despise me? Stay clear out of my way.

Comment, leave a message...

Want to chat? Sure, why not. I love meeting new people, and RPing.

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