
I am mainly a few things: a musician, a student, and avid reader, an actress, and writer, and a nature-lover. I am a teenager.

I'm in a chorus, where I sing mezzo-soprano to alto. I love to read and write. I take acting classes whenever possible and hope to be a stage actress when I start my career. I go backpacking and hiking whenever possible. I am an Anglophile(meaning I love England) and I am a lover of love. I'm a good friend( I hope). I can be insane, I can be crazy, but I can also be rather subdued and depressed, depends what day you talk to me.

I love to read(i think I already mentioned that). I read every spare second and sometimes when I should be doing other things. And if you interrupt me when I'm reading....you DIE.


-Snow Patrol
-the Doves
-The Fray
-Vannessa Carlton
-the Reign
-Death Cab for Cutie
-Pride and Prejudice soundtrack
-and lots more smile

Books: almost too many to list. let me see...
-The Time Traveler's Wife
-Crown Duel
-A Tale of Two Cities
-Pride and Prejudice, Persuasion(Jane Austen)
-Tamora Peirce books(especially the Immortals)
-how i live now
-Twilight(don't kill me!)
-the Golden Compass
-Harry Potter
-Jane Eyre
-more later

-Pride and Prejudice
-Sling and Arrows
-Foyle's War
-10 Things I Hate About You
-Harry Potter
-Ever After(!!!!)
-lost more

Since I don't have a functional camera right now to upload photos, I'll tell you what I look like

Physical description:
-Long light brown-red hair, kinda wavy
-pale skin
-blue-green eyes with orange in the middle(kinda weird i know)
-slender but not athletic

I'm kinda insane, kind of upside-down and confusing. But I like to think I can be easy to talk to sometimes.

I like to debate in the ED. If I don'y like what you're saying, you will hear from me. But I'm generally pretty polite. Unless you piss me off badly.

I'm unique, but I'm not pretentious. My personality changes. Lots. Depending on the time of day. Or time of the month(snigger).


Rainy Dawn

This is a place where I will post random doodads, poetry, bad stories, bits of my life, and piecesof my soul. Read them or not as you choose.


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 06/01/2008 9:17 pm


do do do dah do.

Report | 11/10/2007 8:15 pm


hi! randomly found your profile, and just wanted to say...

you rock!! pride and prejudice and LOST rule!

Report | 07/13/2007 3:56 pm



And thanks! It's a fave of mine.

Report | 07/05/2007 9:20 am


Reading about you was a bit like reading about me! =]

Report | 06/02/2007 11:32 pm


Well, if I wanted to be sarcastic I would tell you I got it from the Marketplace. (Which that is where I bought it.) But they come from the May 2004 Donation Letter. They go for about 70K in the Marketplace. (The Pajamas, not the Letters.)

Report | 05/29/2007 3:10 pm


same here....i'm excited because i'm graduatiung the 7ith

Report | 05/17/2007 2:58 pm


i don't know...i lose track of how & when i meet people.

how are you?
i'm ok, just a bit under the weather....**sniffle**

Report | 05/07/2007 3:20 pm


yes, hi.

how are you?

Report | 04/14/2007 10:53 pm



Report | 03/27/2007 2:58 pm


OOH! Good luck with saving up for the Parisian fan...they're sweet.


let’s break the window panes
and separate the walls from all the nails
cuz maybe if we’re loud we’ll stay alive
while everybody wants to join the fight
but now it’s too late

-Silversun Pickups